Ask Me Anything… About The Federal Deficit


Webinar with Yves Giroux, Parliamentary Budget Officer, Office of the Parliamentary Budget Officer

The C.D. Howe Institute invites you to join us on May 12 for an Ask Me Anything webinar with Canada’s Parliamentary Budget Officer, Yves Giroux. Mr. Giroux will present on the PBO’s recent scenario analysis of the growing federal deficit, and respond to questions about how the COVID-19 crisis has upturned the government’s balance sheet.

Please send us your questions for Mr. Giroux and tune in on May 12 to hear his responses. 

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Yves Giroux, Parliamentary Budget Officer, Office of the Parliamentary Budget Officer

Yves Giroux was appointed Parliamentary Budget Officer on September 4, 2018.

Mr. Giroux entered the federal public service in 1995. Over the course of his 23-year career, he assumed progressively senior level positions and increased responsibilities, joining the executive ranks in 2003.

Mr. Giroux has in-depth tax, fiscal and financial, and social policy knowledge and expertise, and considerable experience with stakeholder relations, and the management of large teams and multi-million dollar budgets. For more than 20 years, he has been closely involved in the federal Budget process in various capacities and is highly regarded as an expert on federal budget making and the Government’s expenditure system.

Since 2015, Mr. Giroux has been serving as Assistant Commissioner and Chief Data Officer, Strategy and Integration Branch, with the Canada Revenue Agency.  Prior to this, he was Director, Operations, Liaison Secretariat for Macroeconomic Policy at the Privy Council Office, for four years. From 2005 to 2011, he served as Director and Senior Chief, Social Policy Division, Finance Canada.

Mr. Giroux is a graduate of the Université de Montreal, where he earned a Master’s and a Bachelor degree, both in Economics.  He is married with two children: an adult daughter and a teenage son.

Yves Giroux a été nommé directeur parlementaire du budget (DPB) le 4 septembre 2018. 

M. Giroux est entré dans la fonction publique fédérale en 1995. Au cours de ses 23 ans de carrière, il a gravi les échelons pour occuper des postes de niveau supérieur et assumer des responsabilités croissantes, ce qui l’a amené à se joindre à la haute direction en 2003.

M. Giroux détient des connaissances et une expertise approfondies en matière de fiscalité, de finances et de politique sociale. Il possède aussi une vaste expérience des relations avec les intervenants et de la gestion de grandes équipes et de budgets de plusieurs millions de dollars. Pendant plus de 20 ans, il a été étroitement impliqué dans le processus budgétaire fédéral à divers titres. Il est tenu en haute estime pour ses grandes connaissances sur l’élaboration du budget fédéral et sur le système de dépenses du gouvernement.


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