Keith Ambachtsheer is Adjunct Professor of Finance at the Rotman School of Management and Director Emeritus of the International Centre for Pension Management (ICPM). He was founding Director of ICPM 2005-2014, and Editor of the Rotman International Journal of Pension Management 2008-2014. He became founding Academic Director of the international Rotman-ICPM Board Effectiveness Program for board members of pension organizations in 2011. He is a member of the Scholars Council of Georgetown University’s Center for Retirement Initiatives, and of the CFA Institute’s Future of Finance Council. Through his firm KPA Advisory Services, he has advised pension and investment organizations, as well as governments and their agencies around the world, on the design, governance, and investment policies of retirement income systems since 1985. He co-founded CEM Benchmarking in 1991. CEM benchmarks the organizational performance of over 400 pension organizations worldwide. Keith has authored four books on pension management. His most recent, THE FUTURE OF PENSION MANAGEMENT, was released in Chinese last October. He has been the recipient of awards around the world for his work in the pensions, governance, and investments field.