Mr. Hamilton was a Partner with Mercer where he was employed between 1979 and his retirement in December 2012. Before that, he was employed by the Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada.
A thought leader in the pension industry for much of his career, in the early ’90s he chaired a Canadian Institute of Actuaries taskforce that wrote a seminal report titled “Troubled Tomorrows,” which described the looming demographic bulge and its impact on pensions. The report was a contributing factor to good policy decisions by the government, which saw a reduction in government debt and increased funding of the Canada Pension Plan and the Québec Pension Plan.
He specialized in the design and funding of pension plans in both the private and public sectors and has been a frequent speaker at pension conferences and the author of papers published by the Canadian Investment Review, Benefits Canada and the Canadian Tax Foundation.
Malcolm Hamilton graduated from Queens University in 1972 as the Gold Medalist in Mathematics. He attended McGill University as a National Research Council scholar, receiving his M.Sc. in 1975. He became a Fellow of the Canadian Institute of Actuaries and a Fellow of the Society of Actuaries in 1977.