Canada needs to be at the Pacific table: Financial Post Op-Ed

Page Title:Canada needs to be at the Pacific table: Financial Post Op-Ed – C.D. Howe Institute
Article Title:Canada needs to be at the Pacific table: Financial Post Op-Ed
Published Date:March 14, 2012
Accessed Date:February 12, 2025

Published in the Financial Post on March 14, 2012

By Laura Dawson and Daniel Schwanen

International Trade Minister Ed Fast and his officials have been globe-hopping in an effort to promote Canada’s genuine interest in joining the Trans-Pacific Partnership. These attempts to shore up support from the United States and the bloc’s other eight members highlight the government’s recognition of the importance of this agreement to building Canada’s trade ties across the Pacific.

The TPP aims to bring trade and investment relations between East and West into the 21st century. The rules and commitments of the TPP will extend far beyond those of any existing free trade agreement, essentially redefining the rules of global trade. Where the Doha Round of multilateral trade talks has failed, TPP aims to succeed.

Does Canada have an interest in how these negotiations unfold? Absolutely. This is why we need to be at the TPP table, just as we needed to be in the WTO Doha Round talks, because our presence, ideas and, yes, interests will help shape the many issues on which the fate of these particular talks and our future as a trading nation depend.

In the drive to help businesses boost production, competitiveness, and standards of living, the TPP negotiating countries are examining “next generation” issues such as the behaviour of state-owned enterprises, regulatory coherence, the role of the digital economy, and how to facilitate the emergence of green technologies.

The countries negotiating the agreement are diverse, growing economies: Singapore, Vietnam, Malaysia, Brunei, New Zealand, Australia, the U.S., Chile and Peru. Japan, Mexico and Canada are seeking admission. The Philippines could be next and even China is contemplating membership. ASEAN, the other Asian regional trade pact, lacks the scope and ambition of the TPP, which aims to be a precursor of a free trade arrangement for all APEC (Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operation) members. The NAFTA, which governs the majority of Canadian trade, is 18 years old and not sufficient to deal with the new trade issues confronting our businesses and policy makers.

The TPP, in short, is attempting to set the rules that will directly affect the ability of Canadian businesses to compete in a world dominated by growth in Asia-Pacific economies. But there is no foregone conclusion at this point on how any of these issues will be resolved. Nine countries across four continents have each brought to the table their own priorities, be they tougher rules governing state-owned enterprises, an end to protectionism in key agricultural sectors, or expanded use of investor-state dispute mechanisms. Compromise in these areas will not be easily achieved.

Regardless of the challenges ahead, without early access to the TPP talks, Canada will have to accept rules that others have shaped, and forgo the early market access advantages that TPP signatories will enjoy. To advance our interests in high-growth markets, we would instead have to rely on bilateral deals that are far more difficult to conclude and are likely to be inferior to a trans-Pacific deal.

Because Canada is seeking admission to talks already well underway, its options for acceding to the TPP negotiations are narrower than they would have been otherwise. Fortunately, Japan and Mexico are seeking to join at the same time. If we are considered as part of a group, then admission is likely to be easier. The U.S. has strong powers of persuasion at this table and it has made no secret of its interest in Japan’s membership. The Canadian government, in its recent outreach to Washington, has acknowledged that we must convince the U.S. to advocate on Canada’s behalf with other TPP members by reminding them of the many issues where our two countries see eye to eye.

The vast majority of comments submitted to the United States Trade Representative concerning Canada’s TPP accession have been very favourable. Nevertheless, to be admitted, Canada must be willing to discuss sensitive issues — barriers to our market, such as supply management in agriculture, that we know others will ask us to reconsider — in exchange for better access to their markets. Canada does not need to show its hand before joining the talks, but its partners have the right to demand that we do not have a fifth ace hidden up our sleeve.

At the same time, negotiating an agreement is not the same as accepting an agreement. In the end, we can walk away from any deal we don’t like. But if Canada is not at the bargaining table we will not be able to shape the new rules of the game, as we have always done in the past. They will more likely be imposed on us.

Financial Post
Laura Dawson is president of Dawson Strategic and author of “Can Canada Join the Trans-Pacific Partnership? Why wanting it is not enough,” recently published by the C.D. Howe Institute. Daniel Schwanen is associate vice-president, trade and international policy, at the institute.

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