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The euro-loonie: Financial Post Op-Ed
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Published in the Financial Post on June 5, 2012
By Finn Poschmann
What makes a good currency area?
It was a popular question in the 1990s and later. Political leaders in France and Germany were convinced they knew the answer: Whatever was the definition of a good currency area, the two of them had to be in one, along with their economically and politically similar geographic neighbours.
Their counterparts in southern Europe knew that whatever the answer was, they wanted to be in one, too; and in the United Kingdom, the government knew that whatever the answer was, they did not. Elected princes in Denmark pondered whether to be, or not to be, part of the euro, gave up, and asked their voters — who said no.
Economists at the time said what made a good currency area was a set of countries that were tied together by trade, were exposed to similar economic shocks and business cycles, had free labour mobility among them, and had a system of supranational risk-sharing, such as a fiscal-transfer mechanism.
In their analyses of potential euro members, however, the economists tended to focus on the first two criteria, at the expense of the latter two, and they did not much contemplate the potential effects of banking system inter-linkages or the impact of bank capital adequacy rules emanating from Basel. Nor did they focus on the possibility that low-income nations, which would benefit from reduced trade and financial frictions within the euro, might show heady growth rates that would lead to overheating and asset bubbles.
Signatories to the Maastricht Treaty, which set the euro in motion, were well aware that decent fiscal probity was required among members. Countries with new and improved access to bond markets, owing to their abilities to borrow at low interest rates — in a strong currency jointly backed by neighbouring economies — could more easily run large deficits, which could become a problem for the eurozone and its nascent central bank.
The EU’s answer was the Growth and Stability Pact, which would impose hefty fines on member nations whose deficits exceeded 3% of gross domestic product. However, as David Laidler and I wrote in 1998, “it is hard to see much logic in, and therefore much likelihood of, subjecting a country that is already under fiscal pressure to more of the same.”
As we have recently seen, as massive deficits and unmanageable debts have festered across Europe, there is not much talk of the euro’s foundational penalties for fiscal laxness. Once Germany had turned to giant deficit-financed “stimulus” packages, the jig was up for the pact.
Then there is the banking system. Bank loans to OECD member nations carry a zero risk weighting under the original Basel accord on minimum capital standards, meaning that banks need reserve no capital against them. Revisions to the standard, which would have assigned risk weightings that were better tuned to government credit ratings, did not make it into place before the crisis hit.
So what happened? Many banks lent freely to European sovereign borrow ers. They in turn pledged their claims on those governments, as collateral, in repo transactions with national member banks of the European Central Banking System. It is only recently that Greek government bonds have become debita non grata as collateral at the European Central Bank (ECB). The result is that significant portions of regional fiscal problems have been “federalized” through transactions at the ECB.
That means Germany is in a pincer. It can back the creation of more ECB debt — eurobonds — which means more financial exposure for Germany, and which this past weekend political leaders finally agreed was a possibility. The nasty alternative for Germany is to risk the costs of others’ messy exits from the euro, to which it is exposed directly through the ECB and indirectly through the turbulence that inevitably will follow.
This poses questions for Canada, like, if Europe is not a decent currency area, is Canada? Our regional economies respond very differently to high energy and other commodity prices and a high dollar. NDP leader Thomas Mulcair is all too quick to seize on this point, yet the truth is that the provinces’ international terms of trade are very different from one another.
Across regions, labour mobility, too, is a burning issue. Some aspects have got better over the years, and the federal government has made unsuccessful feints toward giving teeth to its constitutional powers over interprovincial trade and commerce, but the Agreement on Internal Trade remains, in a word, moribund.
For instance, skills matching is key to the ordinary business of making labour markets work, and the matching up of badly needed workers to skilled-trades positions in provinces that need them. Yet while in the Atlantic provinces there may be one or more apprentice carpenters for each journeyman on a site, in Quebec, which has big infrastructure projects on their way, there may be only one apprentice for every five journeymen. That is a surefire way to inhibit productivity and job mobility and advancement.
Some provinces’ real estate self-regulatory bodies exploit their delegated authority, and concomitant free pass under the Competition Act, to prevent outside parties from offering accredited continuing education courses. That leads to balkanization, missed opportunities and missed economies of scale.
Much more damaging, Crown electricity corporations preside over provincial fiefdoms in generation and distribution, which means higher costs, poorer grid resilience, and poorer environmental performance — not a brilliant system.
Provinces have a wide range of fiscal policies, too — mostly profligate, and some have faced credit downgrades. Meanwhile, the federal government grapples with a fiscal transfer system that is certainly expensive, delivers benefits to provinces that effectively compensate them for choosing bad economic policy, and teeters under the weight of the differences in incomes between regions that are rich in resources and those that are not.
Choosing just one flaw in the system, fiscal-equalization entitlements are reduced for provinces that charge full market rates for hydroelectricity, encouraging provinces to sell hydro below what the market will bear — meaning that federal taxpayers foot the bill for provincial subsidies to electricity consumers.
When Lucien Bouchard said Canada is not a real country, he went too far. Yet he had a point: There are mountainous ranges of federal and provincial policy that keep the nation balkanized.
The risks to Canada are not the size of those now tormenting the eurozone, where financial-market angst increases by the day. Yet Canadians should think carefully about the characteristics of an optimal currency area that we possess, and those we do not, and address the latter. Labour mobility, smarter provincial fiscal policy, and a revamped fiscal-equalization mechanism would be good places to start.
Financial Post
Finn Poschmann is vice-president, research, at the C.D. Howe Institute.
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