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Few options for European Union: Financial Post Op-Ed
Page Title: | Few options for European Union: Financial Post Op-Ed – C.D. Howe Institute |
Article Title: | Few options for European Union: Financial Post Op-Ed |
URL: | https://cdhowe.org/publication/few-options-european-union-financial-post-op-ed/ |
Published Date: | May 9, 2012 |
Accessed Date: | February 12, 2025 |
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Published in the Financial Post on May 8, 2012
By Finn Poschmann
Based on the results of elections in France and Greece, the odds of a euro currency implosion have gone up.
The outcomes of loud, divisive and ostensibly important elections in Europe have rolled in.
In France, the charming and occasionally conservative Nicolas Sarkozy fought a losing rearguard action against the steady assault of his Socialist challenger for the presidency, François Hollande. Sarkozy’s loss signals the obstreperous French electorate’s rejection of post-crisis fiscal austerity measures, measures set in motion by Sarkozy and which, for the most part, they have yet to experience.
Perhaps more than that, the result signals populist resentment and the French elite’s attempt to take a stand against what they see as an overbearing German electorate’s self-righteousness, arising from the latter’s relative fiscal competence. In France, a vote for Hollande was a vote against Chancellor Angela Merkel and thrifty Swabian housewives, one which carried the bonus message of a rejection of the perhaps too charming Sarkozy. German voters in Shleswig-Holstein shared some of this populist sentiment, on Sunday rejecting Angela Merkel’s candidates in a regional election.
In Greece, riots have given way to ritual electoral comedy. Greece has run elections in the past 38 years with four different flavours of proportional representation. The 2009 episode producing a Socialist majority of seats, but not a strong one, owing to the division of votes among the Coalition of the Radical Left and the Communist Party; the Anticapitalist Left Co-operation for the Overthrow, the Communist Party (Marxist-Leninist), the Marxist-Leninist Communist Party, the Workers Revolutionary Party and the Organization for the Reconstruction of the Communist Party of Greece all won votes, but not seats.
This time, May 6, 2012, was to be different: The party gaining the biggest share of the popular vote was granted 50 seats off the top, with the remaining 250 seats in the Greek parliament divided proportionally. Yet it seems that proportional representation despises certain results, or the Greeks do prefer comedy to tragedy. The incumbent socialist party, Pasok, came in third, while the conservative New Democracy party, even with its 50 bonus seats and the support of Pasok, may not be able reliably to outvote the second-place party, the Coalition of the Radical Left, and its Marxist flankers. The anti-immigrant Golden Dawn party will vote in parliament for the first time, and the only certain result is that Greek politics will remain as fractious as ever.
Yet none of it matters, because these national elections cannot address the toxic economic bonds that make fiscal policy a burning cross-border issue within the eurozone.
The toxic bonds are created by the euro itself, which formally came into being in 1998 and represented what was then to be the key step on the road to making the European Union a true federation. Critics at the time pointed out that a political federation typically rests on common interests and a willingness at least to get along within the union – close friendship not required. Hence, for prospective members of the euro to allow themselves to be bound to a single currency, administered by the new European Central Bank, as in Europe, was to set off on that road with the cart before the horse.
Trouble was not hard to forecast. Even as the euro was born, French politicians stood ready to blame domestic economic difficulties on “unregulated global markets” and their “untrammeled greed” and free marketeers’ presumed desire to discredit the “European model of a social market economy.” Such words served notice in France, as in Greece, that fiscal probity would almost certainly founder on nationalist or populist altars.
The trouble arises because currency unions, like those among Canada’s provinces or the U.S. states, normally include some centralized fiscal arrangement, like a federal tax authority, and which may include features that support and complement subnational fiscal authorities, as does equalization in Canada.
But in Europe the federal fiscal structure is weak to the point of nonexistence. Writing in spring 1998, David Laidler and I observed that “not only is there no obligation on a central fiscal authority to bail out a member state’s government that gets into in difficulty, but there also exists no body with the fiscal capacity and political authority to do so.”
It gets worse. The ECB, because it has an inflation-targeting mandate that could easily be blown off course by tending to regional fiscal matters, is forbidden from offering credit to governments or other public agencies. But the marketable debt of member governments and their banks is involved in day-to-day monetary policy.
That means the door is open to heavy pressure on the ECB, resisted anew on Monday by the German government, to more aggressively accumulate member nation debt. The pressure can be extraordinary, because claims on dodgy sovereign debt have been taken as collateral by the ECB, making the ECB at times an accomplice in resistance to recognizing sovereign defaults and moving on to the work-out phase. This makes the ECB amenable to endless patchwork proposals to keep it all hanging together.
The ECB, and banking regulators generally, should stop treating claims on sovereign debt as equally riskless. If they were to do so, the ECB would be on better moral and financial footing for fighting pressure on it, and sticking to its inflation mandate.
Meanwhile, the fiscal pathologies are such that neither the Socialists in France nor whatever coalition temporarily rules in Greece will have a cure. There is no more a ready cure than there is any possibility that the competing demands of pensioners and state workers readily can be met within the fiscal capacities of either France or Greece. Austerity measures cannot fill the bill, and what has been achieved to date in Greece may yet be overturned.
Short term, the ECB may find itself buying more debt, under the unhappy eyes of the Germans, who ultimately will finance it. Medium term, the financing packages that politicians currently are working on internationally may evolve into a form of European Monetary Fund, fashioned loosely after the IMF. Success on either front will depend on fiscal competence winning the day among the troubled southern European nations.
The alternatives are few. One is messy individual exits from the euro, wrenching and problematic because the governing treaty does not contemplate the possibility. Option two is to implement side-by-side euro-like currencies, one for the weak countries, another for the stronger; ugly but doable. The third is a euro implosion, or currency dissolution. On the strength of the election results, the odds of the last have gone up.
Finn Poschmann is vice-president, research, at the C.D. Howe Institute.
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