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A Friend in High Places: A Proposal to Add a National Security Amicus to Canada’s Investment Review Regime
Page Title: | A Friend in High Places: A Proposal to Add a National Security Amicus to Canada's Investment Review Regime – C.D. Howe Institute |
Article Title: | A Friend in High Places: A Proposal to Add a National Security Amicus to Canada’s Investment Review Regime |
URL: | https://cdhowe.org/publication/friend-high-places-proposal-add-national-security-amicus-canadas/ |
Published Date: | February 17, 2022 |
Accessed Date: | February 17, 2025 |
The Study In Brief
- Investors facing a national security review under the Investment Canada Act receive little in the way of information during the process. The absence of information exposes the process to criticism from investors, vendors and the public.
- For investments that require a full national security review, the Canadian government should introduce a national security amicus to allow investors the opportunity to test the government’s evidence and conclusions on national security matters.
- This would enhance trust and transparency in the process, and position Canada well to attract inbound investment, while ensuring that sensitive information remains in the custody of pre-approved, trusted individuals.
- Having additional oversight built into the process would force investors and the government to move forward more quickly than under the current state of affairs, which sees the process extended repeatedly beyond the statutory timeline.
As an open-market economy, particularly an economy that requires very significant capital investment but does not have huge reserves of domestic capital, maintaining Canada’s growth and increases in productivity will depend on being able to attract inbound foreign direct investment (Advisory Council on Economic Growth 2016, 2). Canadian law allows the federal government to review all inbound investments where a non-Canadian either establishes a new Canadian business or acquires an interest in an existing one (Investment Canada Act (ICA), s. 11 and s. 25.1). Historically, the focus of foreign investment review was based on a “net benefit” analysis focused on economic grounds; namely, whether the investment would enhance employment for Canadians, ensure a role for Canadians in managing the business, drive investment in capital expenditures or research and development, or allow for the sharing of technology or best practices across global firms. As Canada has raised the threshold for review of transactions significantly, in part due to an increasing number of free trade agreements, its use of the economic review power has waned.
The government, however, has reviewed and either blocked or restructured a growing number of investments (both new businesses and acquisitions) on national security grounds over the last five years (ISED 2022, 20).
This lack of clarity is challenging for both potential investors and potential vendors (as well, inadvertently, for the advisors). The recent national security review of China Mobile’s Canadian operations exemplifies these problems. Faced with little information about the content of the national security concerns raised against it, China Mobile has pursued a very public court challenge of the divestiture order it received in August 2021 (Krane 2021; Chad 2022), the outcome of which could result in significant political tension or embarrassment.
Insofar as this opacity could chill investment in Canada, it has implications for the overall economy and Canada’s relations with its trading partners. While the ICA is statutorily agnostic to country of origin for national security reviews, in practice, most of these national security reviews have involved investments from Chinese firms.
In this E-Brief, we propose a solution that would allow the Canadian government to continue to screen investments on national security grounds in a manner that demonstrates a commitment to fairness and transparency. We recommend that the Canadian government adopt a national security amicus, akin to a “friend of the court”
We appreciate there are other proposals designed to improve transparency and the process overall, including shortening the duration of national security reviews,
Current ICA National Security Process Is Not Transparent
Under the current process, the Minister of Innovation, Science and Industry
The ICA process does not guarantee that an investor can meet with the government officials investigating the transaction. Although the ICA provides for a right to make representations, typically that right consists of written submissions to the IRD (ICA, s. 25.3(2), 25.3(4)). If the IRD agrees to a meeting, it is a one-way presentation from the investor to the government officials on the issues, rather than a reciprocal discussion of the concerns.
We appreciate that a fully transparent process could have implications for Canada’s national security and its relationship with its intelligence partners, particularly because Canada is a net importer of intelligence (Tunney 2020). The current process, however, provides virtually no transparency for investors. Investors are practically shooting in the dark in terms of the concerns and, while an amicus process would not provide full transparency, it would allow investors an opportunity to respond meaningfully to the allegations made in the IRD’s summary and perhaps correct some of the factual underpinnings more directly.
The Difference an Amicus Would Make
We envision that an amicus would be appointed once the industry minister has ordered a national security review under s. 25.3 of the ICA. A small roster of lawyers and former government officials who have experience with the Canadian government’s trade and investment portfolios would form the pool of amici. As with immigration special advocates, these individuals would be pre-cleared by the government to receive classified national security information during an investment review. The amicus would be able to provide counsel to the investor, while being bound by certain conditions designed to protect the confidentiality of sensitive information.
In the immigration context, special advocates can review copies of undisclosed information or other evidence provided to a judge. They can cross-examine government officials who testify in closed proceedings and make submissions to the judge on relevance, reliability and sufficiency of the undisclosed information and what weight the judge should give to the evidence (Waldman 2019, 1). Similarly, we envision that the amicus would receive access to the background documents that have informed the minister’s assessment of the national security review. The amicus could challenge the government’s decision to withhold facts from the investor that demonstrate the national security concern, either on the basis that the facts (a) are erroneous, (b) are unreliable, or (c) are insufficient to raise a national security concern.
Moreover, the government could download the costs of engaging an amicus onto investors either by having the investors pay the amicus under an engagement agreement or by levying a fee when the government commences a national security review. There are precedents for fees associated with national security reviews, such as the fee recently implemented by the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS) for certain notice filings.
Since there is no apparent judicial oversight of the investment review process as it is being undertaken, the creation of an amicus process would require overcoming three main issues: (a) accessing sensitive information, (b) communicating with the investor, and (c) maintaining an effective review timeline.
Accessing sensitive information
In the immigration context, once a special advocate is appointed, the immigration minister must provide the special advocate with a “copy of all of the undisclosed information and other evidence provided to the judge subject only to claims of privileged on specific grounds” (Waldman 2019, 1). In the ICA context, the security establishment could provide the amicus with undisclosed information that would inform the basis of the recommendation to the ministers of industry and public safety for a national security review. Once the amicus receives the information, the amicus could then make submissions to the ministers on why the information would not be injurious to national security, why it should be disclosed to the investor, or why it should be given little weight in the decision-making process.
Although the investment review context lacks an independent and impartial judicial decision-maker to decide on questions of disclosure, other built-in mechanisms could help mitigate this concern. First, independent ombudsmen operate within the security establishment who could evaluate a special advocate’s submissions and make a recommendation based on those submissions.
Communicating information
In the immigration context, a special advocate requires judicial authorization to communicate with any person about the proceeding once that advocate has received access to the secret information. Some commentators have observed that this is a flaw in the process design because it removes any discretion from the special advocate to communicate with an impacted individual (Hudson and Alati 2018, 14, 18, 46-49; Chedrawe 2012, 34, 40-42; Rankin 2008, 928).
In the context of a national security review of a proposed investment, however, we note firstly that the presence of an amicus is an improvement over the existing situation where the investor has no ability to communicate directly with the officials who are compiling evidence against it. While the amicus would not be in a position to make the investor’s case for approval, its role would be to challenge the government’s propensity toward non-disclosure. Moreover, the amicus could be briefed by the investor and its counsel prior to obtaining access to the confidential information, so may in many cases be in a position to advance arguments related to the confidential information based on the advance briefing.
Second, the amicus could also provide a neutral view to the investor on the strength of the government’s case. Even if an amicus cannot communicate with the investor about the contents of any of the information the amicus has reviewed, the amicus could give the investor an overall assessment of the merits of the government’s position on national security, with authorization from the government, and without providing particulars. This could encourage some investors to withdraw their investments based on feedback from the government, but with some comfort that there is a legitimate concern, not merely a misunderstanding. The amicus could also encourage or propose a discussion regarding remedial measures to address concerns that arise during the review process. Both outcomes can minimize political embarrassment resulting from blocking orders or continued delays.
The current statutory process provides fixed milestones during the review process, but as a practical matter, complicated national security reviews often take much longer.
The amicus process would create incentives to move the national security review forward more quickly. For an acquisition transaction, investors, who are accountable to lenders and shareholders, would be motivated to tailor their requests so as not to delay the timelines. For assessments of disclosure issues involving the establishment of new businesses, which typically pose less risk because there is no acquisition of Canadian technology or infrastructure, the industry minister would be motivated to move more quickly because the investor can continue to operate in Canada until Cabinet issues an order requiring the investor to divest or wind-up the new Canadian business.
Having some oversight built into the process would force the parties to move forward more quickly rather than the current state of affairs, which sees the process extended repeatedly beyond the statutory timeline. In cases where timing is a key factor motivating the investment, or making it viable, the amicus would be able to challenge inordinate delays (similarly before a judge or ombudsman). Whether deliberate or inadvertent, such delays are a failure of due process. Delay of an investment is often no different from denial of an investment. Having an amicus would therefore promote procedural fairness for investors.
Benefits to Canada
Involving an amicus is not a perfect solution, but is arguably better than the status quo, both for investors and for the government. For investors, having a party with the ability to challenge disclosure restrictions, even if not exercised, should help to overcome concerns that the national security review process lacks elements of transparency and fairness. Such a process might also dissuade investors from expending financial and legal resources to continue engaging with the Canadian government when the special advocate can advise them of the merits of the government’s position. At the end of the day, the ability to make a fully informed investment decision would help to achieve the aims of Canada’s investor rights treaties, while ensuring that Canada’s national security interests are protected.
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