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Killing off zombie companies: Financial Post Op-Ed
Page Title: | Killing off zombie companies: Financial Post Op-Ed – C.D. Howe Institute |
Article Title: | Killing off zombie companies: Financial Post Op-Ed |
URL: | https://cdhowe.org/publication/killing-zombie-companies-financial-post-op-ed/ |
Published Date: | August 27, 2013 |
Accessed Date: | February 9, 2025 |
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Published in the Financial Post on August 26, 2013
By Finn Poschmann
Japan’s tedious waking dream, the one where the economy drags in the doldrums for decades, introduced the world to the notion of zombie companies.
Japanese zombie companies marched ever onward, pretending to have profitable business plans, propped up by bank loans extended by financial institutions that pretended to be solvent, their lending in turn being prodded along by regulators who pretended not to be corrupt. Today, Japan’s Prime Minister Abe, while keeping them walking for now, is hoping to bring businesses back to real life by forcing the Bank of Japan to rain monetary stimulus on them. The idea just might work.
But keeping zombies walking is most of the time not a good idea. They take a bite out of the folks with whom they interact, including competitors: Owing to misallocation of resources, they drag down the productivity of the economy around them. Yet propping them up is something that comes naturally to governments.
The usual way governments prop up companies is by giving them grants and subsidies to invest in new products, R&D, or to hire and train workers; all fine, maybe, in theory. But does it work, and how could one tell what would have happened without subsidies?
Companies that are likely to fail enter the valley of the shadow of death when their ability to efficiently deploy capital, labour and other resources — by converting those inputs into output that the market values — start to decline. After a while, perhaps years, usually the company quietly expires.
Data from Finland, where researchers looked at firm productivity and survival, for 10,000 Finnish companies over a decade, tell a compelling story. Firms that did not receive subsidies, of whatever sort, showed and continued to show higher productivity than firms that went on to die — and higher than firms that received subsidies.
Firms that received R&D subsidies did better than firms that did not invest in R&D, but most unsubsidized firms that invested in R&D also did better, in the long haul, and did better than firms that were subsidized to do so. It was the R&D investment that mattered more than who funded it. This implies that firms that smelled an opportunity tended to succeed by pursuing it, and that being subsidized to do it only displaced R&D investments they might have made on its own.
And subsidizing employee wages — directly or indirectly — or subsidizing employee training? The long term impact on productivity was nil; at least that is better than the short run impact on firm productivity, which was negative.
What was consistent, however, was the impact of any sort of subsidy: It weakened the usual relationship between declining firm productivity and firm exit — and not in a good way. Subsidies, of whatever sort, improved recipient firms’ financial liquidity, enabling them to survive, for longer, their walks in the shadow of death, and did not improve their productivity relative to nonrecipients. The Finnish authors are Scandinavian-blunt: Subsidy allocation “hinders the process of creative destruction,” subsidies “delay the reallocation of resources into their more productive or efficient uses,” and there are “no grounds for the allocation of business subsidies, from the perspective of productivity growth and structural renewal.”
Canada, as all of us know, has many business subsidy and grant programs, and our tax system generously rewards spending on R&D. The system is most generous for small businesses — R&D tax credits are refundable for them — and, since the 2012 federal budget, the credits are more generous for spending on wages, rather than plant, equipment or processes associated with R&D activity.
Governments, business leaders and policy analysts often lament Canada’s apparently lagging productivity growth, and only occasionally notice that some features of our system seem designed to sustain that low growth.
Might there be a better way? A number of us policy analysts have also noted that our system rewards spending on R&D, rather than improving the rewards to productively deploying that investment. In recent writing, Nick Pantaleo, Scott Wilkie and I looked at changes in the UK and elsewhere, where the income derived from investments in R&D and intellectual property, and the domestic development and adoption thereof, is taxed more lightly than otherwise.
The idea is known in tax and intellectual property circles as the patent box or innovation box approach. Such a system would reward successful R&D ventures, and firms who invested in them, rather than propping up firms that might pursue them, irrespective of their success in that pursuit.
Zombies have mysterious attractions, at least in movies, but the storyline tends to include painful bites. Good to know that there are sensible policy alternatives to creating and sustaining the undead.
Finn Poschmann is vice president, research, at the C.D. Howe Institute.
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