Lease out Toronto Hydro’s assets: National Post Op-Ed

Page Title:Lease out Toronto Hydro's assets: National Post Op-Ed – C.D. Howe Institute
Article Title:Lease out Toronto Hydro’s assets: National Post Op-Ed
Published Date:March 1, 2012
Accessed Date:February 10, 2025

Published in the National Post on March 1, 2012

By Ben Dachis

It's one thing after another for Toronto's Mayor these days, who is facing his unlikeliest opponent yet in his plan to sell a share of Toronto Hydro: provincial taxes. Further, Toronto Hydro has started a public war with its regulator, the Ontario Energy Board, after the OEB rejected Toronto Hydro's application to pay for planned investment with rate increases.

Ontario's special tax policies for municipal electric utilities (MEUs) make selling more than 10% of Toronto Hydro difficult to justify. However, because owning only 10% of the utility would not give outside investors the control stake they would need to drive operational efficiency, they would be unwilling to pay much for it. Instead of selling a 10% stake for less than the open market would be willing to bear, the city of Toronto should, for the time being, maintain ownership of Toronto Hydro and lease out its operation to motivated investors.

Part of the trouble is history. In the late 1990s, the province broke up the Ontario Hydro monopoly and made many municipalities owners of local electricity distribution utilities.

If MEUs are at least 90% owned by municipalities, they are exempt from provincial and federal income taxes. But to put MEUs on a level playing field with private electricity distributors that the province hoped would enter the market, the province's changes required that MEUs make payments in lieu of the taxes (PILT) that they would otherwise owe if the utility were a private company.

The revenue now goes to provincial coffers. Instead of paying the federal government corporate income taxes, MEUs pay the province. In 2010, Toronto Hydro's $26-million in PILT to the province was more than the $25-million dividend it paid the city of Toronto.

If Toronto Hydro was privatized, the province would lose its claim on the income tax revenue that would be paid to Ottawa.

Wait, there is more. When Ontario Hydro was privatized, provincial taxpayers were saddled with a massive "stranded" debt. So if a municipality was now to sell an MEU to a private business, the province would lose its claim on some of the assets that implicitly backed the stranded debt. This is why the province also imposes a 33% tax on the proceeds of an MEU sale (if it is more than 10%) when the buyer would not be required to make payments in lieu of taxes.

In turn, the transfer tax is the major reason why the city is not willing to part with more than 10% of Toronto Hydro - the city would not get a good return on the sale. The transfer tax would not apply if Toronto Hydro was sold to another MEU or to Hydro One, the provincial transmission utility, because the province would still collect all payments in lieu of taxes as before.

Meanwhile, to sell 10% purely for the sake of a short-term revenue boost would be privatization done for the wrong reasons. The best privatizations are done with an eye to improving efficiency - and selling a 10% share would not go far in driving the incentives that improve performance. Managers would still respond to their political masters ahead of investors.

Instead of selling a large stake in Toronto Hydro, the city should lease Toronto Hydro's assets to a private electricity company that will have a better incentive to reduce costs and be better able to invest in the new equipment that Toronto Hydro needs.

A lease would give the city greater certainty of income and would leave dealing with the consequences of an ill-judged regulatory application, for example, to the leaseholder. The private operator would have strong incentives to reduce costs or improve the productivity of the electricity system to increase its profits. The terms of a lease would require the lessee to reinvest in Toronto Hydro's aging infrastructure, and require the assets to revert to the city, at the end of the lease, in as good as or better condition than at the outset.

Ratepayers need not worry about a private company charging higher rates than a public utility. Ontario Energy Board regulation would apply equally to a reorganized utility as it does to Toronto Hydro today.

As the chair of Toronto Hydro recently wrote, Toronto Hydro's performance "is significantly worse than other leading cities in terms of frequency and duration of outages." The city is in no position, as the sole shareholder of Toronto Hydro, to give Toronto Hydro the cash injection it would need to rebuild. Private operators would have that capacity.

Until the province reconsiders its MEU tax rules, which currently pit the province's bottom line against cities,' a lease is Toronto's best option to avoid the province's punitive taxes, improve the productivity of Toronto Hydro, and earn a steady profit from one of its most valuable assets.

Benjamin Dachis is a senior policy analyst at the C.D. Howe Institute.

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