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Monetary Apocalypse: Financial Post Op-Ed
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Published in the Financial Post on February 15, 2013
By Finn Poschmann
As G20 finance ministers and central bankers converge in Moscow Friday, intending either to abate or stoke a burgeoning currency war, they will confront fallout over recent actions by Japan’s new and rather odd government, led by Shinzo Abe.
After decades of low growth, low or negative inflation and pummelled asset values, Prime Minister Abe has quite reasonably been talking up inflation and talking down the yen, and firmly nudging the Bank of Japan to encourage as much. And the yen has quite reasonably responded by taking a long dive since Mr. Abe’s December election. Trouble with that is Japan is in the G20 and the G7, where competitive currency devaluation is at least notionally frowned on. After all, if everybody did it, we would all be in the same losing mercantilist game, except consumers’ domestic purchasing power collectively would be crushed.
Hence, after much jawboning and backroom elbowing, and with the Moscow meeting in mind, the G7 earlier this week released a clarifying statement: “We reaffirm that our fiscal and monetary policies have been and will remain oriented toward meeting our respective domestic objectives using domestic instruments ….”
Cagey FX traders noticed the word “our,” and seeing that Japan was in the G7, quite reasonably took the statement as an endorsement of Japan’s stance. Perhaps that was because, on Monday, the senior U.S. Treasury official responsible for the file had said, “We support the efforts to reinvigorate growth and to end deflation in Japan.” Which makes sense, in that if a falling yen led to a stronger Japan, U.S. trade would be better for it. (Note to reader: Do not apply this logic to U.S.-China currency relations, wherein a higher yuan is sought by Washington to slow China’s global trade; brain seizure may result.)
In any case, Washington’s tacit support of Japan’s stance takes attention away from the U.S. Fed’s own inflation-stoking program, whereby it is fuelling the money supply by buying the U.S.’s entire monthly volume of residential mortgage-backed securities. And so the yen recommenced its merry plunge.
Or did, until word of the FX markets’ apparent hard-of-hearing rattled round the G7, and, according to The Wall Street Journal and Reuters, “an unnamed G7 official said markets had misinterpreted the statement, which was meant to signal concern about excess moves in the yen,” which interpretation Japanese Finance Minister Taro Aso was quick to endorse. And the yen rocketed upward.
Or did, until word reached London, where another unnamed official explained to Bloomberg that the words were not aimed at any individual currency or country, which of course implied that the G7 statement was just words and not really aimed at anybody, anywhere. Down went the yen.
A fine day in the currency traders’ world, which thrives on volatility; not so good for clarity and guidance in monetary-policy communications.
Meanwhile, back in London, with clarity and guidance defenestrated, the next obvious target for demolition was the remaining pillar of monetary stability, the U.K.’s 2% inflation-targeting program.
On Wednesday, outgoing Bank of England governor Mervyn King, smoothing the way for incoming governor Mark Carney (or stealing his thunder, depending on your point of view), announced that henceforth the U.K.’s program would be known as “flexible” inflation targeting, as Canada’s official program has been described since November 2011. Or, as one U.K. bank watcher wryly wrote, “flexible non-regulated inflation expectations targeting.”
Governor King was specific about his newly non-specific monetary target, and clarified that the Bank of England would not bother so much about hitting it until the end of 2015. The British pound, which had been on a swift downhill roll against the U.S. dollar, and especially against the euro, since the beginning of the year, clearly took governor King’s guidance, and started rolling faster, and is off by an impressive 2% on the week.
This, of course, will not make French President François Hollande very happy, having said last week that the high euro was stifling the domestic economy, and should not depend on anything so fickle as “the mood of the markets.” But for now, at least, competitive devaluation of the euro will be stalled by a stern Germany, where to say that inflation and devaluation are frowned on would be to understate matters.
And so, on to Moscow today, as the horsemen of the monetary apocalypse gather on the brink of currency war. And when the warm sake wears off, and the cold vodka begins to flow, what will they deliver? Stay tuned.
Finn Poschmann is vice-president, research, at the C.D. Howe Institute.
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