Ottawa Sails to Uncharted Waters Without a Fiscal Anchor: Financial Post Op-Ed

Page Title:Ottawa Sails to Uncharted Waters Without a Fiscal Anchor: Financial Post Op-Ed – C.D. Howe Institute
Article Title:Ottawa Sails to Uncharted Waters Without a Fiscal Anchor: Financial Post Op-Ed
Published Date:November 8, 2016
Accessed Date:February 12, 2025

The federal government’s fall fiscal update had a mix of eye-grabbing announcements, including a massive infrastructure bank, mixed with under-the-radar but welcome improvements to fiscal transparency, and a plan to put the budget and main estimates on a consistent accounting standard for easy comparison. Conspicuously absent from the update was a firm target for a return to a balanced budget. Without one, we can’t judge the prudence — or recklessness — of the government’s fiscal policy.

The finance minister takes comfort in the expectation that the debt-to-GDP ratio will remain around its current value. True, governments can be said to be fiscally sustainable if debt does not grow as a share of the economy. But what about the combined federal/provincial debt-to-GDP ratio for the next five years? After all, it is the provinces that are facing the most severe long-term demographic pressures on their finances. A constant federal debt-to-GDP ratio does not assuage worries in this respect. 

Despite plans to run deficits over the next five years similar to those in the budget, the fiscal update highlights how much even modest economic movements can impact government finances: Slightly lower projected growth in the fall than anticipated in the spring has reduced baseline projected revenues by a whopping $35 billion over a five-year planning horizon. The spring budget’s fiscal prudence, totaling $30 billion over the same time period, was used to offset the baseline revenue shortfall, leaving Ottawa without a contingency plan going forward.

On the spending side, policy actions and new initiatives taken since the budget add $12 billion over five years to program expenses. Fortunately, lower than expected interest rates on the debt produces a large windfall — $16 billion over five years — which covers rising program expenses.

A clear fiscal anchor — in this fiscal year and in those to come — would give a very clear signal to frame the government’s priorities and gives the public the ability to hold Ottawa to account. A steady debt-to-GDP ratio risks muddying where to draw the line on spending, and this may make it difficult for the finance minister to resist demands from other cabinet members. In the medium-term, a clear framework based on balancing the budget would give businesses and households greater confidence in the larger picture: This confidence should also improve the response to fiscal stimulus since it would abate potential fears of higher future taxes and borrowing costs. A lack of confidence in the fiscal framework may hurt business confidence and private investments more than helping them.

In recent history, the most common fiscal anchor in Canada has been a gradual return to budget balance. For much of the last couple of decades, the federal government did a good job keeping its budget balanced, and when the great recession of 2008 hit, it was in a strong position to run large deficits while aiming to balance its budget over time. The main advantage of this anchor is that it is explicit and easy for the public to understand, while providing greater fiscal discipline to resist the temptation to increase spending as the economy expands.

By not adopting a firm fiscal policy anchor, and hoping for economic growth to do all of the heavy lifting, the finance minister is embarking on a riskier path than that pursued by previous Canadian governments.

Published in the Financial Post.

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