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Perverse power taxes: Financial Post Op-Ed
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Published in the Financial Post on April 23, 2013
By Stephen Fyfe
Debate has flared in Ontario about how to deal with its local electricity distributors – particularly the prospective need for mergers and the system’s investment requirements. The upcoming provincial budget gives the government the opportunity to fix its tax policy.
The recent Report of the Ontario Distribution Sector Review Panel noted the need for investment to transform the local electricity distribution sector into one that uses modern technology to put its customers first. The report anticipated billions of dollars in required funding.
Most electricity distributors in Ontario are owned by municipal governments, which are unlikely to supply the money needed to invest in their electricity distributors. Moreover, additional capital investments face restrictions in the Municipal Act. The report recommended that the province force 73 of these local electricity system distributors to merge into a handful of regional distributors. Ontarians need only look to past municipal amalgamations to see how forced amalgamations can turn out. They are politically contentious and unsuccessful at delivering improved service for money.
Rather than worrying about the appropriate size of an electricity distributor, or forcing mergers, the province should reform its tax policies in its upcoming budget to let private sector investors and individual municipalities make these decisions.
And what is stopping them from doing so? The current tax system has discouraged private sector investment in Ontario local electricity distributors but encouraged public-sector amalgamations. Consequently, past rationalization or consolidation of the local electricity distributors have been led by Hydro One – the provincially owned transmission utility – leading some to wonder whether the Ontario electricity sector is heading back to what it was prior to 1998, after payment of the significant costs associated with the process.
Under the federal income tax system a municipal corporation is tax exempt if at least 90% of its shares are owned by a municipality. Under Ontario’s Electricity Act, municipally owned electricity distributors instead pay to the Ontario government a “payments in lieu of taxes” – a sort of proxy tax for normal corporate tax paid by commercial enterprises.
Two important additional taxes effectively lock a municipally owned electricity distributor into a public sector ownership orbit. A “departure tax” applies if a municipally owned electricity distributor stops being tax-exempt, say if it sold more than 10% of its shares. The departure tax is approximately calculated against the value of the assets that are no longer subject to the province’s proxy tax. The departure tax therefore incents a municipally owned electricity distributor to maintain 90% or more municipal ownership.
The second tax bite is a flat rate 33% tax paid on the value of all electricity property transferred directly or indirectly by the municipally owned electricity distributor. The prominent exception to this transfer tax applies to property transfers involving certain other public sector entities such as Hydro One or another municipally owned electricity distributor. No exception is available for a transfer of electricity property to a private sector buyer, or a non-public sector buyer such as a pension fund. The transfer tax rules therefore encourage public sector mergers while discouraging mergers between municipally owned electricity distributors and private sector participants.
The fundamental goal of Ontario’s electricity-sector-specific tax policy is to generate provincial revenue to pay down the stranded debt of the old Ontario Hydro. The lack of private sector investment is a side effect of this tax regime.
The federal government, which in its recent budget promised billions of dollars of investment in infrastructure, could perhaps help the province reform its electricity-sector tax policies while keeping the reforms revenue neutral for the province.
The best option is for the federal government, for a limited period, to pay to the Ontario government federal income taxes it collects from privatized electricity utilities.The federal government is currently not collecting any corporate tax revenue from municipally owned electricity distributors, so would not lose any revenue of its own.
Tax policy changes are the right way to encourage municipal councils to get the full value of their electricity distribution assets. If the province eliminated the burdensome taxes on local electricity distributors, it would enable investors to make decisions on how best to delivery electricity to consumers.
Stephen Fyfe is National Practice Group Leader, Tax, Borden Ladner Gervais LLP, and co-author of a C.D. Howe Institute study “Mergers by Choice, Not Edict: Reforming Ontario’s Electricity Distribution Policy.”
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