Tax reform priorities: Financial Post Op-Ed

Page Title:Tax reform priorities: Financial Post Op-Ed – C.D. Howe Institute
Article Title:Tax reform priorities: Financial Post Op-Ed
Published Date:November 19, 2015
Accessed Date:February 10, 2025

By Craig Alexander

Canada faces a deep long-term fiscal challenge. Economies grow because they either have more workers or employ their workers more productively. Canada is aging and labour force growth is slowing. Meanwhile, Canada’s productivity track record is poor. As a result, income growth in the economy in the coming decades is likely to be a third less than policymakers were counting on when they made their fiscal promises in the past. Since income is the basis for tax revenues, how will governments generate the revenues to pay for key priorities?

One approach is to reduce future commitments and fight over the fair distribution of slow growing income. In a new C.D. Howe Institute report, we argue that a superior approach is to look for ways to boost productivity and competitiveness that would increase the income pie so there would be more fiscal room to maneuver.

Reforms to the tax system are a good place to start. Oliver Wendell Homes Jr. said that, “Taxes are the price we pay for a civilized society.” The core issue is finding the most efficient structure of the tax system that generates the needed taxes while also fostering growth and job creation.

Canada currently has an internationally competitive corporate tax regime that should be maintained. Some have argued that higher corporate taxes could be a source of additional revenue, but they would hamper investment, job creation and growth. Moreover, one dimension that is completely missed in the public discourse on business taxes is the fact that the corporate tax burden in a small open economy like Canada’s is mostly borne by its workforce through lower wages.

The current federal and provincial tax system, however, has too many industry specific tax preferences.  Their goal is to encourage certain industries or business activities, but often they inadvertently distort market outcomes in ways that are more harmful to the economy than the benefit they provide.

A tax issue that gets virtually no attention is the over-reliance of business property taxes by municipal and provincial governments to subsidize public services. They effectively act like capital taxes, deterring investment and productivity.

With regard to personal taxes, Canadians ultimately have to pay for the government programs they want to draw on. But, there is an issue about the mix of personal income taxes versus consumption and sale taxes. A move towards greater use of consumption taxes could raise the same tax revenue but at a lower cost to the economy and society. Moreover, the personal tax system has become unduly complex with a vast number of boutique tax credits that should be eliminated and used to lower personal income taxes broadly.

There is a federal and provincial shift taking place to make the personal income tax system more progressive. One key plank of the 2015 federal Liberal election platform is the promise to cut the middle-income tax bracket by 1.5 percentage points and introduce a new federal tax rate of 33 per cent for incomes above $200,000. Several provinces have also introduced higher taxes on high-income earners, with the result that the marginal income tax rate will be above 50 per cent in many jurisdictions.

The reduction in tax rates for middle-income households is desirable, but the heavy taxation ‎of high-income Canadians is at odds with the desire for more entrepreneurial activity. Canada is in an international war for talent. Canada needs competitive tax rates for high-income earners, or we run the risk of a brain drain and the risk of being less able to attract foreign talent. Excessively taxing the talent that fuels a more innovative, creative and successful economy is ultimately self-defeating.

It is also likely that high-income taxpayers will respond to the tax-rate changes in ways that reduce tax receipts.  The federal government may get only about one-third of the expected $2.8 billion of additional revenue, and the resulting erosion of the tax base may cost the provinces $1.4 billion in revenue.

Some may feel that the increased progressivity of the‎ tax‎ system can reduce income inequality. However, the math doesn’t work. The effect of cutting the middle-income tax rate and putting in a new tax rate on high income will have a negligible impact. The most effective way to address inequality is to remove barriers to opportunity.

If Aboriginals and First Nations people, immigrants, youths and individuals from disadvantaged backgrounds had better labour market outcomes, income inequality would be reduced. This calls for upskilling workers to compete in today’s global and technological economy. The result would be a larger income pie to be divvied up. And, by removing the barriers to opportunity, the increasing income could help to reduce income inequality in a constructive way.

No discussion of tax reform would be complete without mentioning federal transfers to the provinces. Governments should be held accountable for the money they raise and how it is spent. It would be more efficient and productive if federal taxes were cut, so provinces could raise taxes to pay for the public priorities they are responsible for.

The bottom line is that the size and source of tax revenues has a significant impact on the economy. If Canada is to deliver on its future fiscal priorities, the current federal, provincial and municipal tax system should be reviewed for opportunities to simplify it and rebalance it to incent stronger productivity growth.

Craig Alexander is Vice President, Economic Analysis, C.D. Howe Institute.

Published in the Financial Post





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