‘Too Big to Fail’ is Too Bad to Keep: Financial Post Op-Ed

Page Title:'Too Big to Fail' is Too Bad to Keep: Financial Post Op-Ed – C.D. Howe Institute
Article Title:‘Too Big to Fail’ is Too Bad to Keep: Financial Post Op-Ed
Published Date:October 29, 2010
Accessed Date:February 14, 2025

Published in the Financial Post on October 29, 2010

By Clyde Goodlet

The upcoming G20 meeting in Seoul is expected to address the amount of capital that banks – specifically large banks deemed "too big to fail" -- must set aside to support the various risks they manage.

The source of this issue is the oversight body called the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision, which last month floated changes to the requirements for banks. This marks the third time in the past two decades that the Basel Committee has addressed capital requirements and, unfortunately, this latest attempt is unlikely to be any more successful than previous ones.

While requiring additional capital to support risk in a bank's operations sounds like a good idea, defining capital and defining risks is a tricky exercise, and defining minimum capital ratios is even more so. Banks may exploit loopholes in the regulations, or find highly complex ways to innovate around them. More importantly, longer-term and bigger risks lie elsewhere, namely in the long-term costs associated with government support of failing financial institutions. More financial stability will only come about if authorities address the most important policy issue facing them: moving away from their reliance on "too big to fail" (TBTF) policies.

Authorities in virtually every country have resorted to TBTF policies when faced with the prospect of a large bank failing. "Too big to fail" applies to large banks whose uninsured creditors are seen as likely to benefit from discretionary government support to which they are not formally entitled, unlike insured depositors, for example, and for which they do not pay. TBTF policies can take the form of taxpayer-supported guarantees of bank liabilities, taxpayer-financed capital injections into failing banks and taxpayer-financed purchases of poor-quality assets from troubled banks.

While TBTF has some short-term benefits, there are serious costs associated with it, which the authorities have shown great reluctance to acknowledge. The most obvious one is the financial cost imposed on taxpayers when the authorities use public funds to support banks. During the most recent financial turmoil, the Bank of England estimated the financial cost of TBTF policies at 15% and 20% of 2007 national income in the U.K. and the U.S.

But these financial costs are much lower than the long-run costs of TBTF policies. Long-run TBTF economic costs relate to the perverse incentives created by the use of TBTF that jeopardize safety and efficiency in the financial system.

TBTF creates incentives for too much future risk-taking that will destabilize the financial system. Creditors will fail to supply adequate market discipline to banks because they believe that governments will protect them from losses should the bank to which they have lent funds become financially non-viable. With TBTF, bailouts go to those who engage in what would normally be regarded as reckless and incompetent behaviour.

However, in a TBTF world, such behaviour is perfectly rational as banks, creditors and others seek to exploit the subsidies offered by TBTF policies. Even though TBTF policies have big negative consequences and are incompatible with the objective of a stable financial system, they continue to be virtually the only policy used by the authorities in most countries when confronted with a large, financially troubled bank.

So how do we address this problem? Three types of change could reduce reliance on TBTF: (a) policies that reduce the probability of large banks failing (preventive policies); (b) policies that will resolve problems at financially troubled large banks without the use of TBTF (remedial policies); and (c) resisting the temptation to adopt so-called reforms that do not confront the TBTF problem, which includes many of the current proposals being discussed in various global forums.

Examples of preventive policies that could reduce the use of TBTF include contingent capital, effective "early intervention/early resolution" of financially troubled banks, much improved stress-testing by both banks and the authorities to reveal weaknesses, limiting or eliminating supervisory discretion when a problem bank's capital ratio reaches a certain level, creating better supervisory regimes with greater public accountability, and governments making a credible commitment to significantly reduce their reliance on TBTF.

If the fundamental problem of TBTF is not addressed, it is likely that financial difficulties will arise again, that they will cost more to resolve and that they will be more destabilizing than what has occurred recently. It won't be easy developing alternatives, especially since taking away subsidies embedded in the current system requires considerable political will. But to achieve the objectives of a stable and efficient financial system, the reliance on TBTF policies must be virtually eliminated.

Clyde Goodlet is a former advisor to the Bank of Canada and author of the C.D. Howe Institute paper, "Too Big to Fail: A Misguided Policy in Times of Financial Turmoil," available at www.cdhowe.org

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