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Watch the Money: Financial Post Op-Ed
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Published in the Financial Post on November 2, 2010
By Philippe Bergevin and David Laidler
The financial crisis did not begin in Canada and our monetary policy regime coped with it well. But recent events have reminded us that stable inflation does not guarantee financial stability, and have made it imperative that the 2011 monetary policy agreement between the Bank of Canada and the Minister of Finance should be explicit about the bank’s responsibilities in this area.
Even so, monetary policy should not be overloaded with competing tasks: Maintaining low and stable inflation must remain the bank’s overriding goal after 2011.
Fortunately, the successful pursuit of price stability incidentally promotes financial stability. A modified policy framework that exploits this complementarity could be an improvement. The key here is the vital role played by money and credit growth in the transmission of monetary policy’s effects to inflation and to asset markets.
When the Bank of Canada cuts its overnight rate, other things being equal, the pace of lending by banks and other institutions picks up, and, on the other side of their balance sheets, so does the growth rate of deposit liabilities. These intermediate responses feed through to asset markets, to the demand for goods and services, and hence to the inflation rate. Of course, monetary policy can sometimes support asset-market exuberance without also driving up the inflation rate. These effects do not work in lockstep, but they always work in the same direction.
The growth rate of a broad money aggregate, like our modified M2+, which includes currency in circulation and chequable savings and notice deposits at financial institutions, is a good leading indicator of longer-run inflation trends in Canada. Although the Bank of Canada has in recent years paid little attention to the relationship, the graph above indicates its usefulness. Broad money growth is also closely related to the growth of bank credit, and therefore conveys information about the emergence of financial-system fragility.
This last result is well supported by recent experience in many countries, but our graph also shows that it holds for Canada. Thus, were the Bank of Canada to monitor systematically broad money growth, it would simultaneously obtain a useful cross-check on its other information about the inflation outlook and about the future health, or otherwise, of financial markets.
The European Central Bank inherited such a monitoring procedure from the Bundesbank, the most successful monetary policymaker of the second half of the 20th century, and the Bank of Canada would do well to adapt this procedure to local circumstances. This would, at least, do no harm to the bank’s ability to control inflation, and might sometimes help. It would also enable the bank to keep an eye on financial markets without, in the process, becoming distracted from its price-level goals.
We suggest that the Bank of Canada should compute and publish a “reference value” for broad money growth — specifically, a growth rate that it believes will be realized over future months if its price-level goals are being achieved, and to which the behaviour of actual money growth can then be systematically compared.
Such an exercise would not directly help the bank with its regular decisions about the overnight rate. The relationship between broad money growth and inflation is a long-run one that is barely visible, if at all, at six-week intervals. Money-supply data are produced with lengthy time lags, and are subject to revision. Broad money growth, under current procedures, is therefore not a useful source of information for routine policymaking. But at wider intervals, say six months, it can provide a useful cross-check on what more conventional inputs to overnight rate decisions have been saying about the longer-run inflation outlook.
We are not suggesting that deviations of actual money growth from its reference value should prompt an automatic policy reaction. The relationship between money growth and inflation, not to mention financial stability, over the short run and the long run, are too loose for this to be reasonable. But we are suggesting that such deviations should lead to an examination of the forces creating them, and that a policy response should follow on the occasions when this does indeed reveal inflationary forces that other indicators have missed, or other evidence of incipient asset-market instability.
This proposal’s prototype, the second “monetary pillar” of the ECB’s policy framework, stands as an equal alongside the first pillar, supported by economic analysis similar to that currently used by the Bank of Canada. Our local adaptation, however, would see money growth playing a clearly subordinate role to more conventional analysis, acting as a cross-check on the information yielded by the other indicators, which are useable at six-week intervals, and which would remain the primary inputs into policy decisions. Crucially, we also envisage money growth as an indicator of evolving conditions in financial markets that might require future attention.
Because of its subordinate role, we take no position on whether an explicit requirement that the Bank of Canada adopt a money-growth reference value should be written into the 2011 monetary policy agreement. It could be, but the bank could just as easily incorporate it into a revised operating framework adopted to support whatever goals the new agreement sets out.
Our central point is that monetary policy aimed at producing stable price-level behaviour will achieve wider public support if it is also seen to be helping with financial-market stability, as it would be if the bank paid more systematic and explicit attention to money growth in the future than it has in the recent past. Adopting a reference value system for monitoring money, whether formally or informally, would promote this desirable outcome.
Philippe Bergevin is a policy analyst, and David Laidler is a fellow-in-residence, at the C.D. Howe Institute.
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