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Accessibility Policy

Purpose and Scope

The C.D. Howe Institute (the “Institute”) is committed to meet the needs of its employees, members, supporters and other stakeholders, and foster accessibility. This policy describes how the Institute works with its employees to ensure that its activities respect the dignity, independence, integration and equal opportunity of persons with disabilities.  

Assistive Devices and Service Animals

The Institute permits persons with disabilities to use their personal assistive devices and/or service animals while on the premises. If a physical, technological or other type of barrier prevents the use of an assistive device on the premises, we will seek to remove that barrier. If we cannot remove it, we will ask the person what alternative measures could work, and seek to provide an alternative. A person accompanied by a service animal while on the Institute’s premises is responsible for controlling the animal at all times. If Institute staff cannot easily identify an animal as a service animal, they may ask a visitor to provide documentation from a regulated health professional that confirms the person’s disability-related need for the service animal.

Support Persons

A person with a disability may be accompanied by, and have access to, a support person while on the Institute’s premises. The Institute may require that a support person accompany a person with a disability while on the premises to protect the health and safety of the person with a disability, or the health and safety of others on the premises. When communicating private issues related to the person with a disability in the presence of a support person, the Institute requires the consent of the person with a disability.


The Institute will make all reasonable efforts to provide publicly available information about our goods, services and facilities, as well as publicly available emergency information in accessible formats or with communication supports upon request.

Notice of Temporary Disruption

The Institute, through its landlord, will notify persons with disabilities promptly in the event of a planned or unexpected disruption to services or facilities. The notice will state the reason for the disruption, how long the service or facility will be unavailable and a description of alternative facilities or services, if available.

Training of Employees

The Institute trains its employees and volunteers on the provision of accessible programs, goods, services and premises.

Feedback Process

The Institute encourages feedback on its provision of programs, goods and services to persons with disabilities:

  • E-mail: nairy@cdhowe.org
  • Mail: 67 Yonge Street, Suite 300 Toronto, ON M5E 1J8
  • Phone: 416-865-1904
  • Fax: 416-865-1866