May 3, 2018—Lack of access to even urgent dental care for many people with low income, seniors and others is a problem that could be solved with a “public option” for dental insurance, according to a new report published by the C.D. Howe Institute. In “Filling the Cavities: Improving the…

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May 1, 2018 – Canada’s senior governments tax and spend a lot, but don’t consistently tell us what they are doing, says a new report from the C.D. Howe Institute. In “The Numbers Game: Rating the Fiscal Accountability of Canada’s Senior Governments,” authors William B.P. Robson and Farah Omran…

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April 26, 2018 – Despite clinical evidence showing the value of immunization, vaccination rates among adult Canadians are dangerously low, according to a new report from the C.D. Howe Institute. In “Not Just for Kids: How to Improve Adult Vaccination Uptake in Canada,” author Colin Busby…

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26 avril 2018 - Malgré les données démontrant la valeur des vaccins, les taux de vaccination chez les adultes canadiens sont dangereusement bas, selon un nouveau rapport de l’Institut C.D. Howe.  Dans «Pas seulement pour les enfants: comment améliorer la surveillance et la couverture…

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