A member of the C.D. Howe Institute’s National Council, Sandra Pupatello was first elected to the Ontario Legislature in 1995, was appointed to Cabinet in 2003. She represented Windsor for 16 years. She served most of her years in Cabinet as Minister of Industry and Trade, where she led trade delegations in most major markets around the world and provided steady leadership through a uniquely challenging economic climate.
Sandra chose to enter the private sector launching her our management consulting firm. She worked with PwC Canada, as their Strategic Advisor: Industry, Global Markets & Public Sector. Sandra’s depth of experience, network of business contacts, global experience and public profile enabled her to drive growth for the firm and their clients, domestically and on the global stage. She continues to manage her own firm these last 11 years, and has focused on strategy, government relations and communications.
Sandra obtained her ICD.D certification from the Rotman School of Business. She sits on the board of Martinrea International Inc., a global auto parts maker. Sandra is a Director of the Port Authority of Toronto. She is also a Board member of the St. Elizabeth Foundation Board of Directors, the Foundation that supports St. Elizabeth nurses, healthcare and hospice workers across Canada. Sandra recently co-founded Reshoring Canada, an initiative that promotes a healthy supply chain for Canadian businesses. She completed her terms as a Board member of the Asia Pacific Foundation and Chair of the Pearson Centre, a centrist think tank based in Ottawa. She is the former Chair and Board member of Hydro One, Canada’s largest transmission company, and was the founding Vice- Chair of Ontario Global 100.
Sandra’s ongoing commitment to community betterment and mentoring women who aspire to lead, led to her receiving the Women’s Executive Network’s (WXN) Top 100 Canada’s Most Powerful Women award. She was recently awarded the Businesswoman of the Year by the ICCO in Toronto, Canada, and the Innovation and Global Growth Award by the Bank of Montreal, one of Canada’s largest banks.