<time datetime="1999-01-01T00:00:00-05:00">January 1, 1999</time>
<time datetime="1998-10-01T00:00:00-04:00">October 1, 1998</time>
Intelligence Memos
From: Peter Glossop To: Canada’s Competition Law Community Date:  February 16, 2023 Re: Competition Act Does Not Need a Longer Challenge Period for Small Deals Ottawa’s Discussion…
Intelligence Memos
From: James Musgrove and Hannah Johnson To: Competition Law Observers Date: February 3, 2023 Re: A Modest Suggestion for Ottawa’s Unwise Competition Act Proposals: First, Do No…
Intelligence Memos
From: Daniel Schwanen To: Canadian Competition Watchers  Date: December 5, 2022 Re: Competition Policy Consultation Critical for All Canadian Businesses  In the more than a decade since…