<time datetime="2021-07-29T00:00:01-04:00">July 29, 2021</time>

Ottawa’s Gamble on Canada’s Fiscal Future

  • The federal debt-to-GDP ratio could easily rise above current peak levels associated with the pandemic. Only small changes…
<time datetime="2021-01-12T00:01:00-05:00">January 12, 2021</time>

Bank of Canada Built Solid Track Record Pre-COVID

  • The Bank of Canada built an impressive track record with its policy moves pre-COVID, then the pandemic knocked its…
<time datetime="2020-10-20T00:01:00-04:00">October 20, 2020</time>

Canada in ‘Economic and Fiscal Fog,’ Needs Real Debate on Future Path

  • Canada needs a national debate over its economic and fiscal future, according to Don Drummond,…
<time datetime="2020-10-08T00:01:00-04:00">October 8, 2020</time>

Tricky Juggling Act Ahead for Bank of Canada

  • The Bank of Canada must handle three challenges simultaneously—providing economic stimulus, hitting inflation targets and…
<time datetime="2020-02-13T00:01:00-05:00">February 13, 2020</time>

February 13, 2020 – Canadians’ level of indebtedness is raising concerns on the basis of several traditional measures, but the most reliable predictor of trouble ahead is the debt-service ratio,…

<time datetime="2017-01-31T00:01:00-05:00">January 31, 2017</time>

Sagging national saving, undermined by government deficits, threaten Canada’s future economic prosperity, according to a new report from the C.D. Howe Institute. In “Enduring Virtues: Saving and…

Intelligence Memos
To: Immigration policymakers From: Tingting Zhang and Parisa Mahboubi Date: May 13, 2024 Re: Who are we Selecting, and who is Still in the Migration Pool? Canada needs to attract top…
The global economy has become fragmented, and an important cause has been the inability of international trade and finance governance institutions to adapt to changing realities. However, Canada has…
Intelligence Memos
To: Canada’s Economic Policymakers From: Jeremy M. Kronick, Steve Ambler and Mawakina Bafale Date: March 28, 2024 Re: New Tools to Analyze the Real Economy The C.D. Howe Institute…
Bidenomie, n. f. Mot-valise formé par la contraction des mots Biden et économie. Il est opportun d’introduire ce néologisme pour explorer ce que le candidat démocrate à la présidence des États-Unis…
Ce n’est pas demain la veille qu’on redressera les finances publiques, mais il n’est pas trop tôt pour y réfléchir, pour amorcer la nécessaire conversation sur la pertinence de ce redressement et…
Qu’est-ce que peut bien voir la Bourse pour regagner si rapidement le terrain perdu, alors que l’économie réelle se contracte comme jamais dans une profonde récession ? Comme se plaisait à…