<time datetime="2000-05-01T00:00:00-04:00">May 1, 2000</time>
<time datetime="1999-06-01T00:00:00-04:00">June 1, 1999</time>
<time datetime="1998-10-01T00:00:00-04:00">October 1, 1998</time>
Intelligence Memos
From: Dan Ciuriak To: Canadians Concerned about Tariffs Date: August 3, 2018 Re: Trade Peace in Our Time? Following a campaign laced with invective against America’s trade…
The Trump administration’s announcement of punitive tariffs on Canadian steel and aluminum means we’re into a full-blown economic and political war with the Americans. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s…
Are we entering the post-NAFTA world? It certainly looks that way. The markets finally woke up to this on Wednesday, after sleepwalking for the past year, as bond yields and stock prices sank and the…