Closing the Back Door Route to Cartels: The Need to Clarify the Regulated Conduct Doctrine

C.D. Howe Institute Competition Policy Council

The Competition Bureau should actively engage in competition matters in regulated sectors of the economy, where anti-competitive conduct may be protected by government legislation or authority. This is the consensus view of the C.D. Howe Institute’s Competition Policy Council, which held its fourth meeting on November 8, 2012.

Members of the Council held that the Bureau should more clearly delineate the scope of anti-competitive practices that it sees as protected by provincial or federal legislation or delegated authority; and it should be directly engaged in regulatory decisions that potentially impair competition. As well, the Bureau should contribute independent analysis…

C.D. Howe Institute Business Cycle Council Issues Authoritative Dates for the 2008/2009 Recession

The newly established C.D. Howe Institute Business Cycle Council has determined authoritative dates for the onset of the 2008/2009 recession and the resumption of economic growth in Canada.  Based on a careful analysis of key economic indicators, the Council determined that the recession started in November 2008 and lasted seven months until May 2009. As a foundation for further work on business cycles, the Council has also agreed on a common set of reference dates for historical recessions in Canada starting in 1929.

The Institute created the Business Cycle Council to act as an arbiter of business cycle dates in Canada.  It comprises a panel of expert business and academic macroeconomists and economic historians.…

C.D. Howe Institute’s Monetary Policy Council Urges Bank of Canada to Hold Overnight Rate at 1.00 Percent

October 18, 2012 — The C.D. Howe Institute’s Monetary Policy Council (MPC) today recommended that the Bank of Canada maintain its target for the overnight rate, the very short-term interest rate it targets for monetary policy purposes, at 1.00 percent at its next announcement on October 23, 2012. The Council further recommended that the Bank hold the overnight rate target at 1.00 through April of 2013, and called for a target of 1.50 percent by October of next year.

The MPC is a panel sponsored by the C.D. Howe Institute to provide an independent assessment of the monetary stance most appropriate for the Bank of Canada as it seeks to achieve its 2 percent inflation target. William Robson, the Institute’s President…

C.D. Howe Institute’s Monetary Policy Council Urges Bank of Canada to Hold Overnight Rate at 1.00 Percent

May 31, 2012 — The C.D. Howe Institute’s Monetary Policy Council (MPC) today recommended that the Bank of Canada maintain its target for the overnight rate, the very short-term interest rate the Bank targets for monetary policy purposes, at 1.00 percent at its next announcement on June 5, 2012. The MPC further recommended that the Bank hold the overnight rate target at 1.00 through the end of the year, and called for a target of 1.25 percent by June 2013.

The MPC is a panel sponsored by the C.D. Howe Institute to provide an independent assessment of the monetary stance most appropriate for the Bank of Canada as it seeks to achieve its 2 percent inflation target. William Robson, the Institute’s President and CEO,…

The Distortive Power of AMPs: Why the Competition Bureau Must Clarify Its Stance on Administrative Monetary Penalties

Report of the C.D. Howe Institute Competition Policy Council

May 15, 2012 – The Competition Bureau should clarify how it will apply its powers under the Competition Act in seeking administrative monetary penalties for abuse of dominance, according to a consensus of the C.D. Howe Institute’s Competition Policy Council, which held its third meeting on May 7, 2012. The Competition Policy Council comprises top-ranked academics and practitioners active in the field of competition policy. Chaired by Finn Poschmann, Vice President, Research at the C.D. Howe Institute, the Council provides analysis of emerging competition policy issues. The Council, whose members participate in their personal capacities, convenes a neutral forum to test…