To facilitate open exchanges of information and opinions, C.D. Howe Institute events are off-the-record. Participants are free to use the information received, but no participant’s remarks may be quoted with attribution without that participant’s permission. Such permission is implied when a participant has made her or his material publicly available, or has requested that it be publicly available; otherwise, permission must be explicit and in writing.

In Remarks by Colin Anderson, the Chief Executive Officer of Ontario Power Authority addresses a C.D. Howe Institute Roundtable.


In Supporting Stable Financing, Alexandre Laurin and Finn Poschmann respond to questions from the Canadian Department of Finance.


In Speaking Truth to Wind Power, The C.D. Howe Institute's Research Fellow and Professor of Law and Economics, University of Toronto, Michael Trebilcock presents his views on Ontario’s Green Energy Act as expressed before the legislative committee on Bill 150 at Queen's Park, April 8, 2009.


In Strengthening our Charities During a Period of Economic Crisis , Donald Johnson, Senior Advisor, BMO Capital Markets, proposes a tax-effective stimulus for our not-for-profit sector.


Jeffrey Kupfer speaks at the C.D. Howe Institute Dinner in Calgary, Alberta.