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May 25

Consolidating Gains, Recouping Losses: The Future of Corporate Group Taxation

Toronto ON, Four Seasons Hotel, Tudor Stuart Orange Room, Four Seasons Hotel, 21 Avenue Road

May 2011 Toronto Policy Conference Presented by the C.D. Howe Institute and the Canadian Tax Foundation

The Conference  examined critical policy issues including current law and administrative practices, international experiences, options and obstacles for reform, and economic implications.

Presenters and discussants included: Albert Baker, Senior Tax Partner, Deloitte; Alycia Calvert, Tax Partner, Ernst & Young; Larry Chapman, Executive Director and Chief Executive Officer, Canadian Tax Foundation; Robert Couzin, Counsel, Couzin Taylor LLP; Brian Ernewein, General Director, Tax Policy Branch, Department of Finance Canada; Warren Dick, Partner, PwC Australia; Len Farber, Senior Advisor, Ogilvy Renault LLP; Richard Harvey, Distinguished Professor of Practice, Villanova University School of Law and Graduate Tax Program; Gabe Hayos, Vice-President, Taxation, The Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants; Elaine Marchand, Partner, Taxation, Osler, Hoskin and Harcourt LLP; Jack Mintz, Palmer Chair in Public Policy, University of Calgary; Brian Mustard, Partner, International Tax and Transfer Pricing, KPMG; Michael O’Connor, Senior Vice-President, Tax, Sun Life Financial; Steve Orsini, Deputy Minister, Ontario Ministry of Revenue, and Associate Deputy Minister, Ontario Ministry of Finance; Nick Pantaleo, Leader, Canadian National Tax Services, PwC; William Robson, President and Chief Executive Officer, C.D. Howe Institute; Michael Smart, Professor of Economics, University of Toronto; Geoff Trueman, Director, Business Income Tax Division, Department of Finance Canada;

To view the agenda, please click here.


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