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Published in The Calgary Herald on March 12, 2015

By: Colin Busby and Nicholas Chesterley

Colin Busby is a senior policy analyst at the C.D. Howe Institute in Toronto and Nicholas Chesterley is a Clarendon scholar at the University of Oxford.

New parents have many things to fret about. Over most of the last century, the vulnerability of their child to infectious diseases has generally not been one of them, due largely to advances in vaccination programs. But parents ought to be concerned about growing cracks in vaccination coverage.

Alberta and other provinces have had measles outbreaks in the last year. These outbreaks are harbingers of things to come unless vaccination coverage improves, and we think there is a case for Alberta to revise its policies and more strongly encourage parents to make informed vaccination decisions for their children.

Overall vaccination coverage ratios and trends are worrying. Alberta fails to meet national and provincial immunization targets for a number of key vaccines. And in spite of a provincial strategy to boost vaccination coverage from 2007 to 2017, coverage ratios for children are falling.

Canadian surveys show that those most likely to feel that vaccines are unsafe are families without a family doctor, with low household income, with children born outside Canada, and individuals under age 35. These results suggest underlying socioeconomic, cultural and religious factors might be driving concerns, and the troubling trend among young adults suggests the prior success of vaccination programs is also cause for concern.

Most parents are not aggressive flag-bearers for the anti-vaxx movement: they are busy people who sometimes do not get around to immunization due to time constraints, poverty or immigration status.

In Alberta, for example, 92 per cent of infants get the first of their four doses to protect against diphtheria, tetanus and whooping cough, but only 73 per cent receive the fourth dose by age two, which is generally scheduled after parents return to work.

In Alberta, all routine infant immunizations are done by registered nurses at one of over 100 community health centres. An immunization record is created for a child born in a hospital, and a nurse arranges a visit to discuss vaccination benefits and risks with parents in a couple weeks’ time. If the infant is not immunized within two months, parents are reminded by phone or letter — up to three phone calls are made if attempts to reach a family are unsuccessful.

Newfoundland and Labrador, with a similar vaccination policy framework as Alberta, has much higher rates of vaccination coverage. Nurse-led vaccination models are particularly effective in rural communities, where there are limited numbers of migrants, and where nurses have long-standing connections with the community and new parents.

This model is only partially successful in Alberta, where large cities and regions, as well as hesitancy among many aboriginal communities, complicate the picture.

In Ontario and New Brunswick, parents can exempt their child from immunizing, but must state their position and have the forms notarized when their child enters school. This type of mandated choice policy can be very effective in getting vaccine-hesitant parents who have delayed their decision to fully immunize.

In Toronto, only 75 per cent of children are fully immunized when entering school, but once they are reminded (and sometimes suspended) if they fail to submit an exemption request or get immunized, coverage increases to over 95 per cent.

Alberta should adopt a similar requirement for parents to make a vaccination decision — to prevent procrastination or complacency, while still allowing objectors to opt out. Alberta has a comprehensive registry on vaccination coverage, making it a leader among the provinces. To capture the large number of parents who delay vaccination choices, Alberta needs to more carefully target approaches to vaccine-hesitant parents and adopt a form of mandated choice.