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Published in the Financial Post on February 1, 2013

By Finn Poschmann and Daniel Schwanen

The World Trade Organization, in 2011 and 2012, launched two dispute-settlement panels to examine electricity tariff measures set in place under Ontario’s Green Energy and Green Economy Act. In doing so, the costs that Ontario’s legislation had imposed on provincial electricity consumers, taxpayers and policymakers spilled over onto federal taxpayers, trade lawyers and negotiators.

Some history. Through the 2009 act, the Ontario cabinet, tapping into an understandable public affinity for things green, pushed into place legislative and regulatory changes aimed at replacing aging and carbon-intensive generating capacity with one that would deliver substantially more “green” electricity, such as solar and wind power.

To induce potential electricity suppliers to make the necessary investments, Ontario’s government introduced a feed-in tariff (FIT) program, which promised lengthy electricity purchase contracts at per-kilowatt-hour rates that far exceeded the likely costs of producing green electrons. The commitment was made to potential producers large and small, and, for small producers who were unlikely to have ready access to a transmission grid system able to digest their sporadic output, the promised prices were higher. And Ontario’s electricity consumers and taxpayers were made to implicitly underwrite these costly promises.

To the surprise of none who have run a lemonade stand, proposals for ambitious projects flooded the provincial government. The process brings to mind nothing so much as late 18th-century canal mania, when builders convinced English peers that their dwindling estates and landlocked businesses could be saved, if only they would finance canals to connect them to the world beyond their hedges.

Problems that arose from this initiative include electricity that would inevitably be produced where and when it was not needed, creating extensive and expensive transmission cost and siting issues. These problems and costs are now well known.

The government’s contracting process, enshrined in the new legislation, required that, for generators signing FIT contracts, most “green” inputs, such as high-strength aluminum or composite wind turbines and their control systems, or processed silicon photovoltaic solar-energy collectors be produced, in the main, in Ontario. These local-content requirements were intended to foster green jobs and green technology expertise within the province.

Never mind that wind turbines and control systems had already been invented and are produced en masse in Denmark and Germany, which hold about 40% of the world export market. Never mind that the world was already awash in cheap photovoltaics produced in stunning quantities in Southeast Asia, and which are the subject of anti-dumping international trade actions, putting a comic edge to the idea that the things still needed to be developed.

But with the December 2012 reports of the WTO panels, one dealing with a complaint by Japan and another by the European Union about the local-content requirements embedded in FIT contracts, yet another (supply-managed?) chicken hatched by the Green Energy Act came home to roost.

Countries whose industries might have expected to sell their proven and affordable equipment to Ontario’s expanding green-energy suppliers predictably threw, well, a fit, and took Canada to the WTO over measures that no one, not even Canada, claimed were non-discriminatory vis-à-vis the foreign producers. And Canada’s federal government necessarily, if wearily, got involved because, as a signatory to the WTO, it is the entire country that is on the hook, and it must defend provincial policies that are accused of running afoul of international trade rules.

Canada, of course, would and should complain in the same way when governments abroad discriminate against competitive Canadian producers. For allowing comparative advantages to play out — generating better income possibilities for all — is at the core of the trade liberalization that most of the world’s countries have sought to promote through the WTO.

And that, in turn, is what makes a federal case out of Ontario’s green electricity follies. As happily oblivious Canadian shoppers set about their Christmas business, the feds quietly announced, or avoided loudly announcing, their appeal of the WTO’s referee’s call on Ontario’s offside. And so it happened that Canada’s trade negotiation agenda, manpower and attention get turned once again to a defence of Ontario’s hard-to-defend insistence that green energy be produced using relatively costly made-in-Ontario equipment.

For as the WTO panels pointed out, it is not the goal of inducing more green electricity into the grid, or even the differential tariffs green-energy producers enjoy as inducement to do so, that are in question. What runs afoul of Canada’s trade obligations is that selling electricity to consumers, according to the panel, takes place in a commercial setting. In that setting, foreign producers should be able to sell, into Ontario, equipment that would have contributed to the ostensible green objectives of the act, on par with Ontario producers.

The WTO panel report said electricity is the lifeblood of economic life. However, Ontario’s industrial and residential electricity consumers, and taxpayers, have been lulled into paying much more than necessary for the dependable electricity they need, in exchange for something they didn’t bargain for: green electricity that is far more expensive in Ontario than it could be.

The federal government is stuck defending Ontario, and perhaps its lawyers will play to lose. Ontario, however, has an opportunity to turn a new leaf and cut Canadian taxpayers’ and businesses’ losses. The provincial legislature, when it returns under a new premier, should revise the offending portions of the Green Energy Act. Removing discrimination in the Ontario marketplace against foreign producers of proven and affordable green energy equipment would, in all likelihood, make Ontario greener.

Finn Poschmann and Daniel Schwanen are vice president and assistant vice-president, research, at the C.D. Howe Institute.