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Published in the Financial Post on April 27, 2012

By Finn Poschmann

The financial press burst into a minor tizzy Thursday, in a quest to digest the housing and finance market implications of the 2012 budget implementation bill Finance Minister Jim Flaherty tabled in the House of Commons.

Notwithstanding the bill’s 431 pages, what grabbed attention was a few short sections overhauling Canada Mortgage and Housing Corp. oversight and dealing a short, sharp shock to an important corner of the bond market. Important steps, in my view, to improving the foundation and durability of Canada’s housing finance system, and doing so with just a little less taxpayer exposure to housing risks.

Start with governance and oversight. CMHC’s ministerial reporting arrangements have long been, in a word, bizarre. The Crown agency has over time reported to different ministries, most recently Human Resources and Skills Development, while direction comes from the Finance Minister and regulation put forward by his department. It files annual reports with Parliament, gets informal visits from the Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions, and is on the receiving end of occasional barbs from the Bank of Canada.

CMHC has a big social policy agenda, financing some Northern and native housing developments and providing advice on energy efficient home-building, but its financial activities dwarf everything else. And, despite being one of Canada’s largest financial institutions, the reports it has historically filed with the government have failed to resemble the financial reporting that any similar organization would be expected to make public.

This will change. The new legislation would place the responsible deputy minister (the HRSDC deputy, for the moment) directly on the CMHC board, and the deputy minister of finance, too. If the DMs are engaged and responsive, this will change the dynamic of the agency’s board oversight — probably not a bad thing, given the risk exposure the agency takes on, with sovereign backing.

Even better, the legislation will require at least annual inspections from OSFI, with reports to the board and the responsible ministers. Formalizing the requirement in legislation could do wonders for reporting and accountability, and will help the board and management reassure themselves that ­CMHC is carrying out its activities, in the words of the bill, “in a safe and sound manner … with due regard to its exposure to loss.” This is good and, on reflection, what is surprising about it is that this sort of language is novel in the legislation.

What will have got bond markets’ attention, however, and that of banks, is the government’s roll-out of a covered bond legislative framework. This is something that bond issuers and sellers were looking for. With legislation in place that clarifies creditor priority in the event of default, Canadian covered bond issuers will have access to new and deep-pocketed institutional buyers, whose own legislation and regulation would otherwise prohibit them from investing. The upside is a deeper and more liquid market.

What most banks emphatically were not looking for, however, were simple, sweeping restrictions in the bill that will prohibit them from stocking covered bond pools with insured mortgage assets.

To see why this is important, let’s back up a bit. Banks bundle ordinary mortgage loans (these are bank assets) and sell them to a bankruptcy-remote special purpose vehicle. That entity pledges the mortgage loans as collateral and sells bonds backed by them, using the proceeds to pay the sponsoring bank for the assets. Payments of interest and principal from the mortgages are pledged to repay the bondbuyers, who also hold the surety of the full faith and credit of the sponsoring institution — they count on getting paid back, and accept fairly low yields in return for that surety. That is what makes the covered bond market work and, owing the mechanism’s short chain of financial intermediation, it is a blisteringly simple form of securitization, one where market participants are crystal clear about where lie the financial risks and who bears them.

Trouble is, until now, most banks issuing covered bonds had taken to providing as collateral CMHC-insured mortgage assets and buying, from CMHC, portfolio cover for the bundles of high-quality mortgages that were not already insured. The result has been CMHC’s heading toward its allowed cap on mortgage insurance underwriting ($600-billion), to ensure that foreign institutional bondbuyers will get paid if Canadian banks write bad mortgage loans and sell them. This, evidently, is a practice that caused Minister Flaherty to look askance at CMHC.

The result is a few terse pages in the budget implementation act that say that Canadian financial institutions can no longer sell covered bonds backed by insured mortgages, whether insured by CMHC or other market participants. Existing issues are grandfathered by a simple transition provision and, as the mortgage assets within them age out, will be replenished under the terms of the issuers’ prospectuses.

There is another wrinkle. Issuers will get the benefit of a legislative framework that clarifies creditor priority, while giving up the right, through access to mortgage insurance, to stamp a sovereign (Canadian taxpayer) guarantee on their bond issues. The legislation will provide also that Canadian financial institutions cannot market contractual covered bonds — like the ones that they have to date — outside the legislative framework.

This means the future issues, while differing in maturities and in the market receptivity that the sponsoring institutions’ credit ratings will grant them, will all be of one particular flavour — no sovereign backing.

These are good moves, and the market will digest them. Even better, as OSFI and Finance get plenty of close exposure to CMHC’s market operations, they may begin to wonder: Why does the federal government hustle mortgage insurance? It is a good question for another day.

Financial Post
Finn Poschmann is vice-president, research, at the C.D. Howe Institute.