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By expanding and diversifying Canada’s markets, and ensuring more robust but fair competition that will largely benefit businesses and individual Canadians, the TPP expands Canadians’ ability to benefit from their brains, investments, and hard work.

By Daniel Schwanen

The Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) has finally landed – or so it seems. The 12 countries who signed on to the deal announced yesterday in Atlanta still have to ratify it. This process will mean that lawmakers and the public at large will review and debate the pros and cons of the agreement, as they see it, in each signatory country.

Canada will, of course, undergo such a debate. Here are three things Canadians should keep in mind as we examine the TPP’s fine print.

First is what this agreement is all about from Canada’s perspective: making it easier for firms here – both big and small – to do business in other member economies. Many large firms and their employees will benefit, since they are typically well poised to take advantage of international trade opportunities. But the deal also reduces barriers facing small- and medium-sized businesses wishing to sell internationally, for example by streamlining customs information and procedures.

For the vast majority of Canada’s farmers, food processors, aerospace and other high-tech manufacturers, and for providers of technically advanced services ranging from software to financial services, for hundreds of thousands of Canadians in other words, this is good news. The TPP constitutes a major breakthrough in the Asia-Pacific area, where our competitors such as Australia are already well ahead of us in expanding their trade links. The TPP also keeps Canadian firms on as level a playing field as possible in the key U.S. market against Asia-Pacific competitors.

All told, Canadian producers get better access to countries accounting for 40 per cent of global incomes thanks to this deal than they would otherwise – not counting other significant emerging economies such as the Philippines that are likely to join down the road.

The second thing to keep in mind is that the extra competition that some currently protected sectors of the Canadian economy will feel from this agreement is also good news for the vast majority of Canadians.

Dairy is the prime example of this. The current system results in high prices for dairy products that cost Canadian families hundreds of dollars a year, hurting low-income families the most. Canada’s supply management system is made possible by draconian limits on the dairy products available to Canadians from domestic or foreign sources. Dairy farmers benefit from this virtual monopoly power enforced by the federal government and the provinces, even though they themselves are completely free to spend as they please, including of course as they do on imports, this extra income collected straight from Canadians’ pockets.

Letting in imports amounting to a small percentage of the Canadian dairy market – for that is the outcome of the TPP for the sector – is far from being the disaster for the country that the system’s proponents make it out to be. It will dampen the price of dairy products because it will increase the supply available to Canadian consumers and restaurateurs, whose businesses are also suffering under this system. But farmers can respond by making their operations more efficient, and expanding to markets abroad in due course – markets now closed to us because we are closed to their producers.

There were also worries that Canadian auto parts producers would be inflicted with additional indirect competition from countries outside the TPP – hence not as reciprocally open to our producers – because regional content rules, proposed by Japan, would reportedly have permitted automotive products containing only 30 per cent of TPP content tariff-free access to Canada and other TPP signatories. The compromise that has been arrived at – allowing tariff-free access to vehicles and key parts with 45 per cent TPP content, with some other parts allowed in tariff-free with 40 per cent TPP content, is a decent deal for Canada in an increasingly globalized auto market, creating some additional competition for some, and expanded opportunities for others.

In general, competition is a good thing. Competition allows Canadians and firms located here to source their purchases competitively. This in turn is one key to attracting or keeping the talent and businesses here in Canada, which are the foundations of our future competitiveness.

The third thing that Canadians should keep in mind is that critics of the deal will use a well-honed “worst-case scenario” approach to argue that jobs will flee to some lower wage economies under this agreement, or that the agreement will prevent governments from enacting laws and regulating in the public interest. Both propositions are false. Comparisons of Canadian wage levels with those of lower-income countries are meaningless when done in isolation because these wage differences do not take workers’ skills and productivity into account. Canadians will effectively compete on the basis of the skills, technology and investments that form the basis of our high-wage economy, not the skills, technology and investments prevailing in these lower-wage economies. The TPP will instead help Canadians benefit from complementarities with rapidly expanding emerging economies that are part of the TPP.

The critics have enormously exaggerated the actual impact of provisions in earlier trade agreements allowing an investor to challenge a state before international tribunals regarding state actions that discriminate against, or amount to expropriation of, a foreign investor, or that deviate from widely-accepted international standards of treatment.

In any event, the TPP agreement will not allow investors to sue governments simply for a reduction in expected profits that may result from government setting, legislating, or regulating towards public health, environmental, or any other public policy objectives – nor will it restrict governments from adopting any such measures as long as it does not discriminate against suppliers from another TPP country.

The major final issues in these talks concerned the minimum number of years that original patent-holders of “biologics,” or cell-based pharmaceuticals, can protect their testing data from use by generic pharmaceutical companies seeking accelerated approval of their own version of the product. The outcome of this negotiation will not directly affect Canada here, as Canada already confers somewhat stronger protection for these data than that agreed in the TPP.

Canadians need to remind themselves that the country’s best jobs and growth potential rests on a foundation of skills and investments that generate incomes primarily through international trade. By expanding and diversifying Canada’s markets, and ensuring more robust but fair competition that will largely benefit businesses and individual Canadians, the TPP expands Canadians’ ability to benefit from their brains, investments, and hard work. Canadians should enthusiastically support this new economic window opening towards the Pacific.

Daniel Schwanen is vice president research at the C.D. Howe Institute.

Published in the Financial Post on October 6, 2015