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Published in the Financial Post on February 7, 2013

By Philippe Bergevin and Finn Poschmann

Through what are known as financial Crown corporations, the federal government is a big player in financial markets, as a direct lender, a guarantor, and an insurer. While CMHC, the federal mortgage insurer, has grabbed attention in recent years owing to its — and federal taxpayers’ — backing of about $600-billion in Canadian mortgages, taxpayers potentially are on the hook for more.

The list of Crowns is long. What they mostly have in common is a tendency to outgrow their initial mandates, test the limit of their statutory powers, and expose taxpayers to potential risks.

At the federal level, there are large financial institutions that lend to small- and medium-sized business (the Business Development Bank of Canada, BDC), guarantee export receivables — that means other people’s accounts payable (Export Development Canada, EDC), or lend to farming operations (Farm Credit Canada, FCC).

These Crowns had their early 20th-century origins in a lack of credit availability — perceived or real — for some consumers and businesses. For example, FCC’s creation, in the early years of last century, grew out of the notion that farmers did not have adequate access to credit, owing to market failure or institutional barriers.

Post-creation, in the cases of each of these Crowns, the corporations or their political masters were criticized for being too conservative. Urged to do more to help consumers and businesses, legislators over time expanded the Crowns’ mandates. Later, as the presumed credit market gap underpinning their creation became a given, the Crowns began to test the limits of their statutory powers.

The next stage of the Crowns’ institutional evolution surfaced in the wake of the 2008 financial crisis. External events seemed to drive mandate, scale and scope expansions, as governments reached for whatever they could find, to be seen to respond to financial or economic crises. The 2009 federal budget increased EDC’s and BDC’s capital by $1.5-billion each, and directed EDC to support domestic activities, not just export financing. These changes opened the question of whether mandate creep is an evolutionary ratchet, one that moves only in the direction of expansion.

This is worrisome, because the rationale underpinning the Crowns’ continued existence is hard to sustain. The market failures they were intended to address are poorly defined and may not even exist. The financial Crowns usually turn a profit, as they regularly remind Parliament and the public.

Notionally, such profits might fund or cross-subsidize presumably beneficial activities, and that too sustains the Crowns’ political appeal. If a market is profitable, however, it raises the question of why a Crown is serving it, even dominating it.

Indeed, all the financial Crowns compete with private financial institutions, and operate beyond any potential market gap. And they do so with cost advantages. That most do not pay corporate income tax means they do not need to generate the market pre-tax return on equity that for-profit corporations must earn. The Crowns’ major advantage, in other words, is in their cost of capital. They do not go to market for relatively expensive equity, but they may borrow, and do so very cheaply, either by issuing debt that is backed by the federal government or by borrowing directly from it, at preferred rates.

That means the Crowns’ borrowing costs usually are 30 basis points to 50 basis points lower than those of highly rated private competitors. This, combined with non-market risk tolerance, means that the Crown financials may be less efficient than private institutions at allocating funds among competing business projects or households. An inefficient allocation of funds may have important, negative implications for the economy as a whole: It will affect which projects are financed, in turn limiting productivity and potential economic output.

The Crowns’ operations pose risks to taxpayers and the overall economy — and these risks seem to have grown in recent years. Because Crowns compete for business on loan prices and terms, without the same risk premium that the market would demand, it can potentially lend on riskier terms.

As a matter of arithmetic, the larger the share of Crowns’ activities — and with a 70% share, EDC dominates its market, and BDC’s and FCC’s market shares have been growing handsomely — the larger the expected share of impaired loans or other risks in the economy. To the extent that expected losses are not properly provisioned for, taxpayers are on the hook. What’s worse is that these Crowns are not subject to the same prudential regulation as their federally regulated private counterparts through the Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions (OSFI). That reduces our comfort level over the extent to which they could absorb unexpected shocks.

The Crowns are deeply entwined in Canada’s financial framework, and we do not recommend shuttering them, or even quickly privatizing them. Our central message is that the Crowns’ mandates should be circumscribed, and rolled back.

In the upcoming federal budget, previous mandate expansions should not be renewed, and their allowed risk capital should be scaled back. And, as the government did in its last budget with respect to CMHC, it should signal that these Crown financials will be brought under OSFI’s supervisory umbrella.

It would be a start.

Philippe Bergevin and Finn Poschmann are senior policy analyst and vice-president, research, at the C.D. Howe Institute. Their study, “Reining in the Risks: Rethinking the Role of Crown Financial Corporations in Canada,” is available at cdhowe.org.