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Published in the Financial Post on February 20, 2014

By Finn Poschmann

To reduce the consequences of financial failures, the federal government should encourage provincial institutions to scale back insurance offered depositors

The global financial crisis drove deposit insurance on to the international regulatory agenda. And in Canada, generous provincial deposit insurance expansions, since 2008, pose unknown risks, which may come back to bite in Ottawa and elsewhere. Why?

The U.S. got deposit insurance, which Washington had long avoided, because of the 1929 market crash and subsequent depression. Driving the push for deposit insurance was a high rate of banking failures over 1929-to-1933: Depositors were not made nearly so whole as they had been previously, through assessments on shareholders of failed banks, under the liability laws that existed at the time. And those assessments for shareholder liability often came to land on insolvent shareholders.

On the other hand, deposit insurers not only made small depositors whole, it sharply reduced the incidence of bank runs, presumably lowering the likelihood of systemic failures – on this view, deposit insurance was better than shareholder liability at achieving regulatory goals.

The result was the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, the only piece of New Deal legislation that was championed by neither the White House nor either side in Congress, resulting instead from local political pressures.

Federal deposit insurance in Canada was not created until 1967, and arose indirectly after a single event: the June 1965 failure of the Atlantic Acceptance Corporation Limited of Ontario. The British Mortgage and Housing Trust Company, which held much of Atlantic Acceptance’s debt, in turn required rescue; depositors and others were exposed to big potential losses.

The Ontario government’s political responses to the near-crisis included a proposal for a provincial deposit insurance program. Launching such a scheme, however, raised questions about coverage of deposits accepted by trust company branches in other provinces, when such coverage was not available to federally regulated banks. The resolution was Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation, created in 1967, at the same time as the Ontario Deposit Insurance Corporation.

Expanding deposit insurance coverage has been a prominent feature among responses to the recent financial crisis, globally and domestically. Since the 2008 crisis, the U.S. and every eurozone country has increased deposit insurance coverage, the latter typically to €100,000, and a number of them expanded government guarantees to include banks’ nondeposit liabilities. Ottawa held firm, and federal coverage here has remained at $100,000 per account.

Yet some Canadian provinces expanded their coverage and some, remarkably, cover registered savings and annuities and similar plans – including deposits invested in equity shares. All provinces from Manitoba to British Columbia now offer unlimited deposit insurance. An odd development, perhaps, because deposit insurance is widely known to be harmful to bank stability, when banks compete on interest rates, and the more so the broader the coverage and the weaker the supervisory oversight.

This is dangerous, not least because deposit insurance rarely is priced according to risk: The system provides a taxpayer-backed subsidy to risky institutions, at the expense of less-risky ones, and potentially at significant expense to taxpayers. This raises monitoring costs elsewhere, including among regulators.

Further, unlimited coverage among some provinces, and not others, provides an incentive for to compete for large deposits from out of province, with cross-border financial risk implications. A walk through the provincial deposit insurers’ annual reports indicates little serious contemplation among them of the impact of large failures.

A failure of a large credit union could easily overwhelm the capital of a typical insurer, and strain a province’s finances were it called on for liquidity support; rescue would come from elsewhere.

Furthermore, the differing insurance coverage poses obstacles to cross-province consolidations of small provincial institutions that have trouble staying competitive. Such credit unions might, were they to merge across borders, become more cost effective and stable, and bring more price and service competition to consumer financial markets.

Meanwhile, the federal government has long since passed legislation permitting provincial institutions to be governed by federal regulation should they wish. That brings us to today. Ottawa announced in January a plan for transitional deposit insurance coverage for provincial institutions that go federal – meaning that, at least for a time, credit unions with unlimited provincial coverage will have such coverage federally. This increases the risks to all Canadian taxpayers, as potential provincial problems may go national.

The February 2014 federal budget lit another fire: “Joint supervision of provincial credit union centrals by the Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions will cease.” In other words, if provincial deposit-takers go federal, their oversight is a federal problem. Otherwise, the buck, Ottawa hopes, will stop on provincial desks. We are heading back to 1967 in terms of balkanization, but without the discipline of shareholder liability reining in potential reckless risk-taking. We could do with less balkanization, and more discipline.

For Canada to extricate itself from this situation, provinces that are brave enough to offer unlimited deposit insurance should stop doing so, and converge on the $100,000 per account federal standard. To encourage them to do so, the federal government should withdraw its transitional deposit insurance coverage for provincial institutions as quickly as possible. The rest will sort itself out.

Finn Poschmann is vice president, research, at the C.D. Howe Institute. “Shareholder Liability: A New (Old) Way of Thinking about Financial Regulation,” is available athttp://www.cdhowe.org.