November 28, 2017 – Canada’s major cities tend to understate revenue and spending, wait too long to release budgets, and confuse taxpayers with obscure figures in their financial reports, finds a new study from the C.D. Howe Institute.

In the 2017 edition of the Institute’s…

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November 29, 2017 - The C.D. Howe Institute congratulates Richard Bird, C.D. Howe Institute Research Fellow and Professor Emeritus, University of Toronto, on his receipt of the Canadian Tax Foundation’s Lifetime Contribution Award. The Lifetime Contribution Award is the most…

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November 23, 2017 – William Robson, President and CEO of the C.D. Howe Institute, announces the appointment of Rich Kruger, president and CEO of Imperial Oil Limited, as Co-Chair of the Institute’s Energy Policy Council. 

“Rich has extraordinary knowledge and experience in Canadian…

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November 21, 2017­ – Canada’s greying workforce will spell big fiscal trouble for future taxpayers, according to a new C.D. Howe Institute report. In “The Fiscal Implications of Canadians’ Working Longer,” authors William Robson, Colin Busby, and Aaron Jacobs find that demographic…

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