May 3, 2022 – The frequency of viral outbreaks and pandemics in the last two decades, including the current COVID-19 pandemic, has focussed attention on Canada’s lack of preparedness, vaccine supply shortages and production self-sufficiency. There have been calls for a…

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April 26, 2022 – As progress on modernizing Canadian healthcare delivery remains very slow, and with medical advances and an increasingly aging population, health policymakers should look to the Dutch model, which provides a good example of how managed competition can promote…

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April 21, 2022 – In 2020, 16 major Canadian universities signed the “Climate Charter for Canadian Universities,” a commitment to manage their assets while considering climate change. However, despite this pledge, a concerted effort to understand how Canadian university…

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April 5, 2022 – Canada needs to create an Intellectual Property (IP) Box to improve its lacklustre innovation performance, according to a new study from the C.D. Howe Institute. An IP Box would tax income from patents and other intellectual property at a special low…

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