December 13, 2023 – Canada is behind the ageing curve and needs a strategic approach to better meet the needs of its rapidly surging senior population and address the broader implications for our healthcare system, society and economy.

In Verbatim “Health and Ageing,” which is based on a…

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December 7, 2023 – Canada and the US are highly similar economies from a global perspective. However, the US has a unique history of major banking crises over the years, while Canada has been remarkably stable. A new C.D. Howe Institute report asks why these two systems differ, and what the US…

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November 28, 2023 – Canada’s Competition Act must remain effects-based, and the Standing Committee on Finance must exercise caution reviewing the legal test for abuse of dominance, according to a new Communiqué from the C.D. Howe Institute’s Competition Policy Council.

In its…

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November 23, 2023 – The federal government’s new proposed Alternative Minimum Tax (AMT) reforms would create disadvantages for charities and hit large capital gains hard, according to a new C.D. Howe Institute report.

In “Capital Gains and Charitable Donations: The Silent Targets of…

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