Keystone XL is dead. Everyone knows that. Nothing can force the Biden administration to reissue the construction permit. The fight is now over any compensation owed to owner TC Energy Corp. by the U.S. government.

Even though it was endorsed by the Canadian government and even though Alberta invested up to $1.5-billion in the venture, Keystone is a private-sector project. Claims for compensation will be up to the company to advance, either in U.S. courts or before a North American free-trade agreement panel. The company said it is considering its options.

In the meantime, Alberta Premier Jason Kenney has demanded Canada apply “sanctions” in retaliation for the project’s cancellation. Saskatchewan counterpart Scott Moe…

There’s concern in Washington – even consternation – over December’s conclusion of the European Union-China investment treaty, with some commentators saying it was engineered by China to create a political wedge between the United States and its European allies, coming at a sensitive juncture that can only embarrass the incoming Biden administration.

Whether this is the case remains to be seen. But the fact is that a tough position on China has strong bipartisan support in Washington. Foreign initiatives seen to be cozying up to China would be looked upon negatively by the White House – at the very least, complicating life for the new president and his team.

Erroneously described as a trade agreement, the deal is a more…

ll est grand temps que nos entreprises accélèrent leur numérisation. Celles qui ne mordront pas la carotte des appuis offerts par les gouvernements et les institutions financières goûteront au bâton des concurrents qui redoublent d’ardeur.

La COVID-19 agit en accélérateur de changement, que l’on pense seulement au télétravail et aux achats en ligne qui ont grimpé en flèche. Or, ce ne sont que deux manifestations parmi plusieurs de la numérisation de l’économie, un concept large qui englobe aussi la bande passante à haut débit qui livre les séries de Netflix ou l’accès internet aux services bancaires, par fibre optique ou par les ondes de nos téléphones.

Dans les entreprises innovatrices, l’information numérisée lubrifie…