Bidenomie, n. f. Mot-valise formé par la contraction des mots Biden et économie.

Il est opportun d’introduire ce néologisme pour explorer ce que le candidat démocrate à la présidence des États-Unis compte faire de l’économie de notre puissant voisin. La Bidenomics est d’ailleurs le dernier terme à la mode dans les médias de langue anglaise pour désigner son programme économique.

Deux mises en garde s’imposent avant de plonger dans le sujet. Premièrement, le président propose, mais le Congrès dispose en matières législative et budgétaire, prescrit la Constitution américaine. Si le Sénat ne tombe pas aux mains des démocrates, on peut parier que plusieurs ambitions de la Bidenomie s’échoueront sur les récifs…

Since the previous recession in 2008-09, the so-called gig economy and platform work have been growing globally and in Canada. The growth is mainly due to technological and economic changes and the desire for greater flexibility by workers and employers.

However, the legal employment framework remains outdated. The COVID-19 crisis has a strong potential to exacerbate the trend by shifting more working-age Canadians into temporary or contracted employment, rather than traditional stable and permanent employment.

There is still limited consensus on what the gig economy is, how to classify gig workers and, consequently, how to address concerns about protections for gig workers. There are three approaches to…

In the years leading up to the pandemic, Canada’s place on the world stage was fading.

We told ourselves we were a special nation – the country that works in a world that does not. And domestically, we were indeed always stable, mostly prosperous and sometimes even cool.

But to the rest of the world, what value did Canada bring?

We struggled to attract foreign investment, and foreign buyers for our goods. In peacekeeping, we were a shadow of our former selves. In sports, we claimed the podium less often than we hoped. And in science, our victories often proved episodic.

In June, when we lost the vote for a Security Council seat at the United Nations, the rebuke was a shock only to Canadians who didn’t fully…