Immigration is not the panacea, as often advertised, to an aging population and low fertility rates. However, the right economic immigration inflow enhances employment outcomes and strengthens the overall economy.

Principal applicants selected under the economic immigration program integrate well into the labour market. But their immediate families do not. Overall, this means that, across all categories, most new immigrants struggle in the labour market after their arrival. One way to encourage better outcomes is to substantially increase the target for economic immigration.

Ottawa has increased annual immigration targets, gradually moving up from 280,000 in 2016 to 350,000 by 2021. Canada admits these…

For years, criminals from around the world have been secretly investing their proceeds of crime in Canadian real estate simply by registering the property in the name of a private corporation, partnership or trust. That will soon come to an end in British Columbia. Well, almost.

The B.C. government recently introduced the Land Owner Transparency Act, which requires corporations, partnerships and trusts to disclose the names of the individuals who control or own them. Those names are then placed on a public registry for all the world to see.

This far-reaching legislation applies 21st-century technology to combat the growing problem of money laundering. All Canadians should applaud the B.C. government for its leadership and…

Economic sanctions are a growing risk factor for Canadian companies engaged in international business, involving traps for the unwary, including, in the most serious cases, criminal charges against senior officers and against the company itself.

Despite these risks and the exposure to criminal penalties, the world of sanctions is not fully understood in many quarters. Here’s a short primer.

To start with the obvious, sanctions are unilateral prohibitions applied by governments to restrict foreign transactions in specific sectors or with individuals that have been identified as corrupt or morally reprehensible. In some cases, sanctions cover both categories.

Sanctions tend to go in one direction, mostly applied by…