Following a report by Alberta’s Energy Efficiency Advisory Panel, the government announced a large program last week aimed at improving the energy efficiency of homes, businesses and non-profits. It will fund free installation of energy efficiency products throughout the province, and provide rebates on efficient appliances, lighting, and so on. With a budget of $645 million over the next five years, funded by carbon tax revenue, it’s no small endeavour and is worth a careful look.

First, let’s take a step back and ask: What is the purpose of energy efficiency programs?

Simply put, they can potentially solve two market failures: (1) environmental externalities; and (2) behavioural biases. The success of the program should…

Ontario Premier Kathleen Wynne announced on Friday that she will not allow the City of Toronto to proceed with road tolls. I’ll leave the politics of this decision to others, but the economic consequences of the decision will be more congestion and myriad problems for cities reliant on unsustainable provincial grants.

How did we get here? About a decade ago, the province granted the City of Toronto – and only Toronto – the power to levy tolls on roads it operates, among other new tax powers. There was a catch, however: The province retained the final say by having to pass a regulation allowing such a road toll. In December, Toronto City Council voted in favour of asking the province to allow Toronto to place…

Incoming U.S. Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross will be releasing a list of NAFTA matters for discussion shortly as renegotiation of the trilateral trade deal is high on the agenda of President Donald Trump. While the renegotiation may commence soon, Mr. Trump has threatened to tear up the North American free-trade agreement as a negotiating strategy. Can the President follow through with this threat and unilaterally cause the U.S. to withdraw from NAFTA, or must Congress agree?

The possibility of a unilateral withdrawal without Congressional approval would put real pressure on the Canadian and Mexican governments to agree to U.S. demands. However, in my report I show that under the Constitution, Congress must agree if the…