Last week, the Bank of Canada held its overnight rate, its benchmark policy rate, at 4.5 per cent. No surprises there. In its last announcement, the bank told us the data were consistent with their view that, with the target rate where it is, inflation would come back down to three per cent by the middle of this year. Data since have not changed governing council’s view that at present more tightening wasn’t necessary.

In fact, if anything, the major economic development over the last six weeks, the failures of Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) and Signature Bank, as well as the emergency takeover of Credit Suisse by UBS Group AG, made caution even more prudent. Furthermore, it might actually make the…

In the real world of health service delivery, the last three years have taught us a great deal. The pandemic has been a test of endurance for health care workers for sure, but it has also tested our ability as a collective system to do something we don’t do enough of: work together.

Here is an incomplete list of the results:

We procured massive quantities of supplies and distributed them across the country: Personal Protective Equipment; swabs; hand sanitizer; ventilators. We massively ramped up testing capacity; stood up assessment centres, drive-through clinics, mobile outreach teams. We trained and retrained health care workers; instituted billing codes and protocols for COVID@Home clinics and virtual care for people…

Twenty-five years ago, I secured the rights to a state-of-the-art telehealth system and brought it to Canada. Patients called a number to receive instant advice about their medical issue and be directed effectively to a proper level of care. I thought it would greatly benefit Canadians and save insurers millions.

In a single-payor system, like in Canada’s provinces and territories, my solution would have reduced the burden on emergency rooms and helped minimize staffing demands for hospitals.

But the Ontario government didn’t buy it. It ended up buying a low-cost nursing telephone line designed to generate revenue for hospitals, encouraging callers to visit a hospital emergency room.

Why? Because the upfront cost…