Bank of Canada governor Tiff Macklem and the bank’s Governing Council held course Wednesday, leaving their target for the overnight rate unchanged at 4.5 per cent. The day before, United States Federal Reserve chair Jerome Powell was considerably more hawkish, enough to convince markets that the 25-basis point increase in the federal funds rate that they were expecting from the Fed’s next setting is probably too low.

Does a more hawkish Fed mean the Bank of Canada will also have to hike further? We don’t think so.

In large part, the argument in favour of following the Fed has to do with the Canada-U.S. exchange rate, which has mainly depreciated since the tightening cycle began a year ago, and which matters for an…

La réponse à ma question provocatrice dépend du sens donné à l’expression. Non, si on considère la caricature faite par la droite dure aux États-Unis. Oui, si on retient l’orientation d’un rapport sur l’avenir de la gouvernance d’entreprise au Canada.

Si on redonne au mot woke son sens « d’éveillé », à l’évidence il y a longtemps qu’on demande aux administrateurs de ne plus dormir au gaz. Mais on s’attend maintenant à ce qu’ils « s’éveillent » à un plus large éventail de questions sociales et environnementales.

La gouvernance d’entreprise réfère à l’ensemble des règles et des comportements d’un conseil d’administration, notamment sa relation avec le PDG pour établir la stratégie et en…

Since Canada’s return to pre-pandemic employment levels in November 2021, the labour market has added another 600,000-plus jobs. But employment in some industries still isn’t back to pre-pandemic levels. Why the uneven recovery?

The overall recovery in jobs was rapid, with total employment reaching 19,770,300 by December 2022 — 3.3 per cent above its pre-pandemic level (February 2020). But in five broad industries jobs are still down. These are: accommodation and food services, which is still 126,900 jobs short of its pre-pandemic employment; “other services” excluding public administration (52,700 short); business, building and other support services (48,500 short); agriculture (37,200 short) and…