The Bank of Canada continued its tightening cycle on Wednesday by announcing a 50-basis-point increase in its target for the overnight rate. That came as a surprise to those who expected a 75-basis point increase, but it’s still a hefty hike.

It continues the Bank’s front-loading of its rate increases, which is intended to reduce the scale of future rate hikes. In our view, this latest increase was needed – both to reduce the harm of further increases and to re-anchor inflation expectations – but now the time has come to pause and reflect.

Since the Bank’s September 7th rate boost, the consumer price index (CPI) numbers for August and September have been published. Headline inflation ticked…

La finance durable n’est pas assez verte ! Non, elle est trop woke ! Pire, un foutu bordel ! lancent les critiques. Elle vit plutôt une crise de croissance.

Les actifs mondiaux des fonds communs de placement et des FNB (fonds négocié en Bourse) en finance durable ont triplé durant la pandémie, pour atteindre 3000 milliards de dollars américains, fin 2021.⁠1 Ils ont reculé depuis avec la correction des marchés, mais les flux restent positifs, malgré les dénonciations.

Les plus acerbes sont sorties de la bouche des gouverneurs de la Floride et du Texas, héraults de la droite dure et vaillants défenseurs du pétrole et des armes à feu.

Les tirs viennent aussi de la gauche, pour qui la…

The federal government’s Emission Reduction Plan, which it published in July, calls for economy-wide greenhouse gas reductions of 40 to 45 per cent below 2005 levels by 2030. In particular, it projects emissions from homes and commercial buildings that will fall 37 per cent from 2005 levels. Judging by reasonable estimates of what it would take to achieve this, however, that goal appears wildly unrealistic.

Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from buildings are the third largest source of emissions in Canada. (The first two are oil and gas and transportation) In contrast to some other sectors of the economy and despite better technology and efficiency, GHGs from buildings have actually increased since 2005, partly because the…