As the refreshed Trudeau minority government pushes forward with what we presume will be revised versions of Heritage Minister Steven Guilbeault’s controversial bills C-10 and C-36, we suggest it pause, breathe and consider a more poised approach.

The problems with online harms legislation (C-36) are being revealed through the responses of numerous civil and human-rights organizations. The issues connected to C-10 are more firmly embedded within the public memory because of the controversy that ensued last spring when Mr. Guilbeault sought to grant the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) authority over the internet, including personal social-media posts. Its stated intent, while lacking in…

New Brunswick hospitals are on "red alert," reducing or suspending services to increase capacity for COVID-19 patients as the fourth wave continues. There are 57 patients hospitalized for COVID-19 and 18 in intensive care, at the time of writing – a number that will continue to fluctuate in the days and weeks to come.

New Brunswickers might reasonably ask if the hospital system is truly threatened by fewer than 20 critical cases after 18 months of a global pandemic. Unfortunately, the province-wide red alert shows that it is.

Why and how is this possible? To this, there is no simple answer.

In less than a month, the number of people hospitalized for COVID-19 has nearly doubled, and the number in ICU has…

Comme dans la parabole bouddhiste, on examine souvent la dette publique tels les six aveugles qui tâtent différents bouts de l’éléphant et qui tentent de se faire une idée de la bête. Or, en renonçant à l’aveuglement volontaire des idées préconçues, on peut se faire une idée plus complète des finances publiques, mises à mal par la pandémie.

J’avais particulièrement hâte d’examiner mercredi les derniers chiffres du Fonds monétaire international (FMI) sur l’endettement des pays, mesuré de manière assez comparable, quelle que soit leur répartition des responsabilités entre les niveaux de gouvernement.

On y constate que la dette brute du Canada, incluant toutes les administrations publiques, a bondi de 23,1 % du…