In its budget statement, the federal government announced that it would introduce a special excise levy on vaping products in 2022. At the present time no such levy is imposed, even though several provincial governments have introduced levies on each millilitre sold (e.g. Nova Scotia) or special sales taxes (e.g. British Columbia).

Tobacco and nicotine are viewed by society as sin goods. We lump them loosely with alcohol, cannabis, gambling and so forth. We call them sin goods because they can cause damage to our health if consumed to excess and sometimes if consumed just in small amounts.

Vaping products form the largest component of what we now call alternative nicotine delivery systems (AND systems). Other AND systems…

Controversial government efforts forcing streaming companies to pay into official Canadian culture funds will only gain public acceptance if the legislative club currently being used is replaced with a scalpel.

The main aim of Bill C-10, an Act to Amend the Broadcasting Act, was originally to regulate online streaming companies such as Netflix and to level the playing field between traditional broadcasters and those services. Fair enough, but using the Broadcasting Act and granting the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) sweeping powers over the internet is at best an awkward solution, and at worst an unworkable and damaging one. Both the Act and the CRTC were designed to…

La KitKat deviendra carboneutre d’ici 2025, promet Nestlé. Mais on espère bien plus qu’une opération de marketing de la surenchère des cibles de réduction des gaz à effet de serre, à laquelle participent les gouvernements, les financiers et les entreprises, dans leur longue course pour le climat.

Au sommet que le président Biden a tenu le Jour de la Terre, il s’est engagé à réduire les émissions de GES des États-Unis de 50 à 52 % d’ici 2030. Le premier ministre Trudeau a promis une baisse allant de 40 à 45 %, le Japon, de 46 %, l’Union européenne, de 55 % et le Royaume-Uni, de 68 %.

Bien qu’impressionnants, ces chiffres ne sont pas comparables, car les années de base pour mesurer l’effort s’…