<time datetime="2021-02-18T00:01:00-05:00">February 18, 2021</time>

Canada’s Green Bond Market Poised to Surge

  • Canada’s green bond market is poised to regain momentum as the economy recovers from COVID, according to a new report by…
<time datetime="2019-12-05T11:50:30-05:00">December 5, 2019</time>

The Supreme Court must tackle vital constitutional questions and confront whether greenhouse gases represent a national concern under the peace, order and good government power, says a new report…

<time datetime="2019-08-01T09:38:57-04:00">August 1, 2019</time>

Alberta’s government proposes to replace the current Carbon Competitiveness Incentive Regulation for output-based carbon pricing of large emitters with the Technology Innovation and Emissions…

<time datetime="2019-01-17T00:00:05-05:00">January 17, 2019</time>

Cost-overruns at several large-scale hydro projects in Canada raise questions about the economic viability of continuing construction to completion. In “Dammed If You Do: How Sunk Costs Are…

<time datetime="2018-07-19T01:00:00-04:00">July 19, 2018</time>

Ottawa should clear up confusion about its plans for clean fuel standards, according to a new report by the C.D. Howe Institute.  In “Speed Bump Ahead: Ottawa Should Drive Slowly on Clean…

<time datetime="2017-09-28T00:01:00-04:00">September 28, 2017</time>

If Alberta doesn’t change how it requires companies to finance their own oil and gas well cleanup costs, the energy industry and, ultimately, taxpayers in Alberta face cleanup costs of up to $8…

Intelligence Memos
From: John Manley  To: Concerned Canadians Date: June 5, 2024 Re: Canadians Need to Accept our Fossil Fuel Realities  The prevailing discussion about Canadian energy use…
Intelligence Memos
To: Canadian Nuclear Observers  From: Esam Hussein Date: April 5, 2024 Re: Nuclear is Coming Back. What About Canada’s Fuel Supply Chain? Canada appears on the verge of a…
Intelligence Memos
To: Natural Resources Minister Jonathan Wilkinson, and Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland From: Charles DeLand Date: March 22, 2024 Re: Fewer, Stronger Policies Would Help Fill…
La KitKat deviendra carboneutre d’ici 2025, promet Nestlé. Mais on espère bien plus qu’une opération de marketing de la surenchère des cibles de réduction des gaz à effet de serre, à laquelle…
La création probable d’un Sustainability Standards Board (SSB) mondial fera avancer la finance durable d’un grand pas, lui permettant d’exercer une pression plus efficace sur les entreprises,…