<time datetime="2014-03-11T13:45:38-04:00">March 11, 2014</time>

As Ontario pushes ahead with pension reform to improve retirement security for its citizens, it should consider a “middle-way” solution between current competing visions for reform, according to a…

<time datetime="2012-08-23T13:45:39-04:00">August 23, 2012</time>

Ottawa should rethink the tax rules for Pooled Registered Pension Plans (PRPPs) or they will not realize their potential to be a good pension savings vehicle for Canadians, according to a report…

<time datetime="2012-08-16T13:45:55-04:00">August 16, 2012</time>

Retiring babyboomers are driving a shift from retirement-fund accumulation to decumulation, but they need better choices to protect against longevity risk, according to a report released today by…

<time datetime="2012-03-01T14:45:29-05:00">March 1, 2012</time>

Les gouvernements devraient supprimer toutes les limites fiscales de cotisations aux régimes de retraite et les remplacer par une marge d’accumulation à vie indexée de 2 millions $, laquelle s’…

<time datetime="2011-12-15T14:45:41-05:00">December 15, 2011</time>

The federal government’s design for Pooled Registered Pension Plans (PRPPs), as proposed in Bill C-25, has flaws that need fixing to meet the needs of Canadians without a workplace pension plan,…

<time datetime="2011-10-27T13:45:35-04:00">October 27, 2011</time>

Federal tax rules are preventing many Canadians – especially in the private sector – from saving enough for retirement, according to a report released today by the C.D. Howe Institute. Workers…

In recent weeks, Ottawa has announced several financial assistance measures for those most affected by the COVID-19 crisis. They include increased flexibility for employment insurance benefits,…
Intelligence Memos
To: Finance Minister Bill Morneau From: Alexandre Laurin and William Robson Re: Crisis Relief for Canadian Savers Date: March 16, 2020 Plummeting stock markets are aggravating anxiety and the…
Intelligence Memos
Today, we revisit an Intelligence Memo with a smart policy recommendation. From: William B.P. Robson To:  Bill Morneau, Minister of Finance Date: August 6, 2019 Re: The “Factor of…