291 results found for "basic income"
Published in the Financial PostGovernments often talk about “creating jobs,” but what they really do is choose some jobs at the expense of others. With their myriad spending, taxing and regulatory decisions, all governments try to direct job growth to different sectors — public or private, services or goods, resources or non-resources, and so on.We all hope governments choose wisely. It would…
Intelligence Memos
In the C.D. Howe Institute’s inaugural Regent Debate four prominent voices sparred over the following question: Should Western democracies, such as Canada, establish a universal basic income? Today, Conrad Black’s argument against. I would say of the subject tonight that, as Mark Twain said of Richard Wagner's music, "It's not as bad as it sounds." Let me enunciate a few things that I think we…
Intelligence Memos
In the C.D. Howe Institute’s inaugural Regent Debate four prominent voices sparred over the following question: Should Western democracies, such as Canada, establish a universal basic income? Today, we present an argument against from former Saskatchewan finance minister Janice MacKinnon. As Saskatchewan minister of social services I was involved in early stages of the National Child Benefit, a…
Hugh Segal is principal of Massey College. He served in the Canadian Senate as a Conservative from Ontario and was vice-chair of the subcommittee on urban poverty. Every democracy’s internal legitimacy is tied to how fair the residents of that country feel their society is or tries to be. The fairness of laws, the fairness of government generally, the mix of fairness and opportunity…
Ken Boessenkool and Miles Corak, Research Fellows at the C.D. Howe Institute, join TVO's The Agenda to talk basic income and the future of work. 
Intelligence Memos
From: Philip Oreopoulos and Mikal Skuterud To: Immigration Watchers Date: July 15, 2024 Re: It’s Time to Relearn Some Basic Immigration Lessons At the crux of economic immigration policy is the question of whether immigrant selection should prioritize current labour market needs or the human capital of applicants. Does Canada need more farmhands and delivery riders, or do we…