306 results found for "guaranteed annual income"
Intelligence Memos
From: Glen Hodgson and Diana Smallridge  To: Reconciliation watchers Date: March 20, 2024 Re: The Best Indigenous Financing Gap Solution? An Indigenous Development Bank Access to financing is critical if the Indigenous economy is to make meaningful progress on sustained economic development as a basis for reconciliation. There are significant market gaps in…
Media Release
December 5, 2016 – William Robson, President and CEO of the C.D. Howe Institute, announces the re-appointment of Al D. O’Brien, Fellow, Institute for Public Economics, University of Alberta, as a Senior Fellow. “Al has a wealth of experience and insight on public finance, budgetary policies, and fiscal federalism in Canada,” remarked Robson. “The C.D. Howe Institute has benefited from his…
Intelligence Memos
From: Jeremy M. Kronick and William B.P. Robson To: Business Leaders Concerned About Investment Date: March 30, 2022 Re: House-Rich, Everything-Else-Poor In the fall of 2020, barely noticed amid the stresses of COVID-19, Canada’s economy passed a peculiar milestone. Residential investment surpassed all other business investment – more than for non-residential structures,…
The bankruptcy of Sears Canada, and the threat that its underfunded pension plan won't pay what it promised, has caught the attention of members of Parliament. Understandably so. People don't get a second chance at retirement. Getting an annuity less than you counted on is a terrible blow. After the sponsor of an insolvent pension plan has gone bankrupt, moreover, governments have no happy…
By Finn Poschmann Few Canadians may have heard of them, yet covered bonds, an important bank funding mechanism, have taken a place near the heart of the financial system. How big a place that should be, and how close to the heart, will be a question for whoever forms the next government in Ottawa – and this will matter to housing finance. Covered bonds have been around for centuries – capital…
Published in the Financial Post on November 8, 2013 By Finn Poschmann Sometimes the road to Hell is so clearly paved and marked that it is difficult to believe that good intentions explain the route chosen. So it is with recent proposals in the U.K., the Netherlands, and Italy, to introduce potentially massive, government-backed mortgage lending and insurance schemes. In the U.S., a…