291 results found for "basic income"
Intelligence Memos
From: Benjamin Dachis To: The Hon. Catherine McKenna, Minister of Environment and Climate Change Canada Date: April 25, 2017 Re: Clean Fuel Standard Driving in the Wrong Direction Transportation is a major contributor to Canada’s greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, accounting for 24 percent of total emissions. One policy tool Ottawa is driving forward with to reduce transportation emissions is a…
Intelligence Memos
From: Dan Ciuriak To: The Canadian Business Community Date: February 13, 2017 Re: Don’t Take a BAT to Trade Policy The United States is an outlier amongst economically advanced countries as the only one that does not have a value added tax (VAT), which is the conventional and WTO-sanctioned approach to applying an economically efficient and non-trade-distorting consumption tax. Under a VAT, the…
Intelligence Memos
From: Zachary Spicer To: City Councils Across Canada Date: November 30, 2016 Re: The Dreadful Conditions of Municipal Budgets In their recent report, Two Sets of Books at City Hall? Grading the Finance Reports of Canada’s Cities, Benjamin Dachis, William B.P. Robson and Jennifer Y. Tsao argue that many of the annual budgets in Canada’s cities are in dreadful condition – key activities are…
Intelligence Memos
From: Trevor Tombe To: Hon. Deron Bilous, Alberta Minister of Economic Development and Trade Date: October 25, 2016 Re: Five Ways to a Better Diversification Debate in Alberta Alberta’s economy has seen better days. To many, the cause is clear: we’re over-reliant on oil and gas. Faced with this broad sentiment, the government is exploring various policies aimed at “economic diversification”. As…
Intelligence Memos
From: Benjamin Dachis To: The Hon. Catherine McKenna, Minister of Environment and Climate Change Canada Date: October 20, 2016 Re: Home energy tax credits are not the right way to reduce emissions Your government has plans to re-introduce incentives for home-energy retrofits. If so, this will follow a long line of policies that have provided hundreds of millions of dollars to subsidize people and…
The recent settlements between teachers and the Ontario government raised teachers’ salaries and left existing pension arrangements in place. But with education spending the second largest part of provincial spending, and teacher salaries the central part of the education budget, are we getting good value for money? Paying teachers well attracts good people to teaching. That’s important. There…