291 results found for "basic income"
Intelligence Memos
To: Toronto Taxpayers From: William B.P. Robson Date: March 14, 2019 Re: Toronto’s Farcical Budget Cycle – Around We Go Again Last week’s fanfare about Toronto’s council passing the city’s 2019 budget was farcical on several levels. One – perhaps too obvious to attract much comment – was that it happened in March: with two months of the year already past, the city has already raised and spent…
Intelligence Memos
From: Tammy Schirle To: Canadians concerned about the gender pay gap Date: March 8, 2019 Re: The varying size of the gender pay gap How big is the wage gap between men and women? It depends on who, specifically, you are talking about, and why you ask. In January 2019, Canadian women working full time between the ages of 25 and 54 earned an hourly wage that, on average, was…
Intelligence Memos
From: Gilles Gauthier To: Canada’s NAFTA Negotiators Date: June 27, 2018 Re: The NAFTA Talks. Towards a New Paradigm? (Part Two) Yesterday, we explored the difficult terrain for the renegotiation of NAFTA. Today: What are the possible scenarios? If we were in a traditional trade negotiation and if the parties were really trying to find the necessary trade-offs, we could imagine that an agreement…
Intelligence Memos
From: Kevin Milligan To: Canadians Concerned with Inequality Date: May 30, 2018 Re: Let’s Face Facts on Natural Resources Opinions on pipelines are flowing around Canada far more quickly than the oil. The ultimate decisions on natural resource projects, however, ought to derive from facts. As an economist studying income inequality over the last 15 years, I can offer a key…
Opinions on pipelines are flowing around Canada more quickly than the oil. The ultimate decisions on natural resource projects, however, ought to derive from facts. As an economist studying income inequality over the last 15 years, I can offer a key fact to the debate. In my view, nothing has contributed more than natural resources to buttressing the Canadian middle class against the rapidly…
Intelligence Memos
To: NAFTA negotiators From: Brenda González-Hermosillo Date: December 15, 2017 Re: Bringing Financial Services into the NAFTA Renegotiation Much has been said recently about the objectives and outcomes of the NAFTA renegotiation. Reflecting the US agenda, which called for the "modernization" of NAFTA, most of the discussions appear to have focused largely on tangible merchandise…