306 results found for "guaranteed annual income"
Media Release
Thursday May 31, 2018 —Taxpayers are on the hook for the unfunded liability of pension plans for federal employees, according to a new report published by the C.D Howe Institute.  In “Retiring Employees, Unretired Debt: The Surprising Hidden Cost of Federal Employee Pensions” authors William B.P. Robson and Alexandre Laurin argue that official figures for federal pension obligations…
Media Release
Thursday May 31, 2018 —Taxpayers are on the hook for the unfunded liability of pension plans for federal employees, according to a new report published by the C.D Howe Institute.  In “Retiring Employees, Unretired Debt: The Surprising Hidden Cost of Federal Employee Pensions” authors William B.P. Robson and Alexandre Laurin argue that official figures for federal pension obligations…
Intelligence Memos
To: Governments looking to scrap prices on greenhouse gas emissions Re: Clean Technology Investment Begins with a Price on Greenhouse Gas Emissions From: David Popp Date: February 20, 2018 Governments across Canada are making support for low-greenhouse gas energy technology a top priority. Canada is among the group of 23 nations participating in Mission Innovation: a commitment to double…
Canada faces a troubling trend in the skills levels of its work force. Despite more Canadians obtaining a postsecondary education between 2003 and 2012, literacy and numeracy skills have slid. What gives? According to OECD international surveys of adult skills in seven participating countries, including the Netherlands, New Zealand, Australia, Norway, Italy and the United States, the problem with…
Intelligence Memos
To: The Honourable Patty Hajdu, Minister of Employment, Workforce Development and Labour From: Rosalie Wyonch Date: September 12, 2017 Re: Let’s Untangle Work Integrated Learning The Government of Canada is rolling out a $73-million investment in the Student Work-Integrated Learning Program to create 10,000 paid student work placements over the next four years and “help bridge…
Intelligence Memos
From: Christopher Sands and Colin MacKenzie To: Concerned Canadians Date: July 13, 2017 Re: New Rules for NAFTA As renegotiation on the North American Free Trade Agreement gets underway there is one fundamental change on the US side that promises to change the dynamic. This time there are 535 extra chefs in the kitchen. Under detailed two-year-old rules governing all US trade negotiations,…