291 results found for "basic income"
Canadian governments’ lack of transparency is a high-profile concern – and for good reason. Alongside such problems as bureaucratic circumvention of freedom of information laws and ministers responding to questions in legislatures or from the media with mechanical talking points, government finances are far too opaque. Which brings us to the pandemic of 2020. COVID-19 was not only a…
Intelligence Memos
From:  Leonard Waverman To: Canadian Internet Watchers Date: April 10, 2023 Re: Let’s Rescue Bill C-11 From Itself On March 8, following one of the longest evolutions of a bill in Canadian history, the House of Commons approved Bill C-11, the Online Streaming Act. The bill imposes obligations on online streaming services and social media platforms such as Netflix, Facebook,…
Intelligence Memos
From: James Musgrove and Hannah Johnson To: Competition Law Observers Date: February 3, 2023 Re: A Modest Suggestion for Ottawa’s Unwise Competition Act Proposals: First, Do No Harm Canada, as much of the world, is engaged in reappraising its approach to competition and antitrust policy. Less than a year ago Canada enacted significant changes to its Competition Act, including…
Inflation around 8 per cent is something many Canadians had never experienced until this summer. As a country, we are rediscovering how much inflation hurts. The shrinking value of our dollars is bad enough on its own, but inflation harms us in more subtle ways, including through its interactions with taxes and government benefits. Now would be a good time for some changes to lessen the pain.…
Intelligence Memos
The C.D. Howe Institute put out a call late last year for Intelligence Memos from next-generation policy leaders. The purpose of the program is to provide a platform for new or soon-to-be graduates to raise their profiles, showcase their ideas, and build their professional networks. This week we are releasing the work of the top three participants. From: Cheung Pang Wong To: Canada’s Ministers of…
Last week the Canadian and American governments announced plans to liquidate Russian assets frozen by sanctions and to distribute the funds to affected victims and to war-torn countries. The measures have been devised to inflict even greater penalties on that country as a result of its illegal invasion of Ukraine and the appalling atrocities committed by Russian forces there in recent weeks. As…